Chapter 6 (Part One)

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(Please take note of the dates)

“Without you, I have no blood and tears. I became a dangerous shadow. To me, that’s who you are.”

-It’s Definitely You by V and Jin


Seoul, South Korea

February 18, 2014

It’s a Thursday afternoon but the usual sunny day didn’t dome out. He looked up to see the dark clouds accumulate above him. He is in front of the University gate under the gloomy sky. It seems that the sky is also grieving.

It’s his Graduation day. Jin finished his bachelor’s degree in Chemistry in Sungkyunkwan University. He was supposed to be happy. This is his dream. He wanted to be a renowned chemist. But this supposed-to-be a happy day turns out like a doom’s day to him. He wanted to celebrate that he finished it with flying colors. But there is no reason to be happy. The world is nothing without his parents and without Taehyung. God knows how much he missed him.

Tears started to glisten when he remembered what had happened in his life. He lost everything in an instant. It wasn’t his fault but he is the one suffering.

Jin didn’t have an umbrella so he let the rain pour directly onto him. The clothes he was wearing is now soaked, his brown bangs sticking on his forehead, almost covering his eyes but he didn’t bother to remove it. He let his tears flow with the pouring rain.

Jin went directly to Phantom’s den after changing his clothes. Phantom welcomed him and introduced the other men inside his hide-out.

“I would like you to meet Cha Eun Woo, or Neon and Hwang In Yeop aka Madness. In this group, we seldom call each other with our real names, maybe it’s self-explanatory.” Phantom said as they enter the house.

“So, what do we call this pretty guy right here?” Phantom asked Neon and Madness who are now gawking at Jin.

“Boss Baby?” Neon said.

“That’s gross!” Madness said as he laughed hysterically 

“Angel Face?” Neon replied.

“You’re the softest gangster I’ve ever known. Let’s just call him Shadow.” Phantom said

“Shadow seems perfect to him.” Speedy mumbled.

Jin observed Phantom’s house. The view from the outside is extremely different from the interior. If the outside looks old and abandoned, the interior is equipped with beautiful furniture and appliances.

“I will send you to different trainings just to be physically ready if situations warranted but I let you finish your school because I need you in my new laboratory in Busan. But for the meantime, I will let you have a rest for 2 days then you will immediately start the trainings.”

“I will give you an apartment in Itaewon just beside Speedy’s. Just tell him everything you need.”

“I want to see my Uncle.”

“Oh, family reunion, I see. Okay, you can meet him tomorrow. Speedy will accompany you. But you won’t tell him a single damn thing. If you tell him, heaven’s gate will open for him. Maybe you know me already.”

Jin closed his fists as if he wanted to punch him in the face but he knows that it would be ridiculous. He held the last string of hope in his life. He will try to figure out how he will escape the hell that he had given to him.


Jin and Speedy went to see Uncle Choi and his cousin. Surprisingly, they are living in an apartment in Itaewon. He thought that they are still in their farm in Busan.

Speedy pressed the door bell and seconds later, a pretty young lady opened the door.



They hugged each other as they entered the apartment.

Speedy, who was staring intently to his cousin, said, “I’ll fetch you after an hour. I’ll be back.”

He scanned the apartment. It is not that huge but it’s very cozy. There is a small living room with a medium sized couch at the center. There is a small kitchen and a dining table. There are two bedrooms. This house is much better than their house in Busan but he knows that this seems like a prison cell.

Uncle Choi went out from the bathroom and was surprised to see him early in the morning.

“Seokjin! How are you?”

“Uncle! I graduated yesterday.” He gave the certificate to his uncle. He saw that he just controlled his tears from falling.

“Your parents will be proud of you. What’s your plan? Oh, by the way, your boss called us last week and he told us to move here in Itaewon and that you rented this apartment for us. Thank you Jin.”

His uncle didn’t have a clue that the same person who sent them in Itaewon is the same person who is the reason why his parents died. He thinks that person is an angel whereas he is the devil incarnate.

“I want you to live more comfortably. You are my only family left.”

“Thank you Jinnie. I already applied for a job. They accepted me as a barista in the coffee shop just across the street. I can help with the bills.” Choi Ji Woo said.

“Oh you didn’t have to, but thank you Noona.”

“Are you staying here in Itaewon? We can live here together.”

“My boss had a company in Busan, he might send me there. I promise to visit you if I have free time.”

“Please do so. After your parents died, I was worried about you. But still you managed to finish your studies. I’m sorry that this old man is nothing but a burden to you.” Uncle Choi laughed and tapped him in the shoulders.

Jin held his hands and said, “Don’t worry about me uncle. I’m a tough guy, just like your sister.” They laughed and the atmosphere became lighter.

“Oh, I’m glad that you get those genes from your mother.”

“Jinnie, stay here for lunch. I will cook something for you.”

“Okay Noona. Thank you so much.”

“No, Jinnie. We really owe you a lot. Thank you.” Noona Choi said.

He spent another hour in their apartment, just enjoying the affection of his uncle and cousin because tomorrow he will live as Shadow, the one who will thrive in the darkness.

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