Chapter 6 (Part Two)

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Park Lab

Busan, South Korea

February 24, 2014

They arrived at the laboratory after hours of travel from Itaewon. There is a door at the back that led directly to a room filled with lab equipment. It was larger than it looked from the outside; however, there are more than meets the eye.

There are many people working inside. They are wearing lab suits and coats. Some are busy combining liquids, some are measuring. The others are fixated on weighing powders, checking the color and textures.

"This will be your territory Shadow. The drugs will be manufactured here and most likely will be sold to organizations. All you have to do is formulate the drug and we will all be fine. You will make me rich, and we are all happy."

Having his own laboratory is one of his dreams but he never imagined that he will tread on this path.


Seoul, South Korea

February 24, 2014

The Han River is freezing. Taehyung is slowly walking beside the river, watching as ice formations are being dragged away by the soft currents. The hot packs inside his pockets are not enough to keep his hands warm. It was extremely cold, but he didn't bother. He sat at the bench looking out at the river, letting his inner turmoil to set it.

It has been a year since Jin vanished without a warning. Just like a bubble bursting in mid-air. He had heard many speculations why all of a sudden that he and his family disappeared. But he didn't receive any concrete answer.

Jin loves him. There's no doubt about that. What confused him is that why Jin left without saying goodbye to him. He even asked his friends but they just tell him to forget about him. He didn't know what was happening.

Did he finish his studies? So, where is he now? Did he miss him too? Did he still love him?

There are so many questions that are still bothering him but the answers are still nowhere to be found.


Jin went to Phantom's den after his training when he saw the men rushed inside. Neon went straight to the kitchen and gets some beer cans from the fridge and sat on the couch. Jin went to the kitchen too to prepare their food. This is one of his routines. He cooks and prepares food for them without them asking. He really loves cooking so might as well use the elegant kitchen set in this house. He just prepares quietly in the kitchen and didn't even engage with their conversation.

"Phantom, maybe it's about time to let Shadow do the job. Mr. Heo is such a pain the ass. I almost shoot him right there and then." Neon grumpily opens his can and chugged the beer.

"Mr. Heo likes you but you didn't get his innuendos. He might give you the world if you let him grab your ass!" Madness teased back.

"I didn't sign up for this! Maybe, our pretty guy here can do the negotiations with the dirty old pervert. What do you think Phantom?" Neon replied while looking maliciously to Jin.

"No, he isn't prepared yet." Phantom drinks his own beer while looking seriously to Jin.

"Boss, and when do you think is the right time? It's been 2 months that he had been in training. He abandoned the lab just because he doesn't want to make the illegal drugs. You agreed and sent him back here in Itaewon and now, you didn't want him to do what he is supposed to do. Are you being a softie with the pretty guy?" Madness said as stared at Phantom who didn't answer him right away.

"Boss, we are under surveillance after the transaction last week with Mr. Xiao. We need to keep away from the prying eyes of the police force. Send him to Mr. Heo and we will guide him."

"Alright, but don't leave him just yet. Send Speedy too. He must not do anything that can ruin our plans."

"The Boss has a new favorite now and we will shall not get jealous, Madness." Neon said as he tapped his shoulder and acted as if he was hurt.

"You fuckers, just eat and sleep okay. No more talking." Phantom said as he eats the food that Jin had prepared.

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