Chapter 4 (Part One)

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Santorini, Greece

October 16, 2020


Taehyung and Jin arrived at a private hangar in Santorini, Greece. As soon as they arrived, Jin called Phantom. After 10 minutes, a private car fetched them. It was five in the morning when they reached their destination. They entered the beach resort after checking in. Jin was always fascinated how organized Phantom is.

For a gangster like him, he was able to arrange fast accommodations like this. And Europe is far from Korea. But of course, due to his power and money, he could do everything.

He puts his bag on the little dresser besides the big cabinet. From the balcony, he can see the sky was already tinged with orange hues, and the sun peeks slightly above the sea level.
On his adjacent balcony, he can see Taehyung also looking at the sunrise. His VV, although looking tired due to lack of sleep, looked breathtaking as he was slowly bathed in the morning’s golden light.

His warm thoughts were disrupted by a call by Phantom.

“Are you already at the resort?”

“Yes. We had just arrived.”

“Do you like the view?”

“Yes. You’re the best as always.”

“I always wanted what’s the best for you. Just think of this as your vacation.”

“So looting items is a sort of therapy for you now?”

“I’m just kidding okay? So how’s the kid?”

“He’s doing fine. He’s a fast learner. He helped me a lot with the previous one.”

“But still keep an eye on him. You know that I only trusted you with these things.”

“I know. So, how’s Paris after we left?”

“The Black Swan is still quiet. You know he won’t make a fuss out of it because he illegally possessed the necklace. Anyway, the boys will clean up the mess you’ve made. Your things will be sent to you tonight.”

“So what are we getting here in the paradise?”

“I want you to get the Chalice of Dionysus in the Olympus Museum. They believed that the chalice is an artifact that the Greek deity uses to grant temporary immortality to those he chooses. But of course, those are only a myth. The chalice is made of rare kind of gold and that’s what the market needed.

The Olympus Museum is a local museum downtown owned by a woman who claimed to be the last ancestor of Dionysus. She may seem dainty on the outside but she’s a dangerous one. You need to be careful with her.”

“I need to study the location first.”

“Okay, if you need help, I will send the boys.”

“No. We can finish this with just the two of us.”

“Alright. Just call me.”

Jin ended the call and went back inside. He went to his bed and he fell asleep.


“Just wait for a few days and the gold will be on our hands. We will have it smelted and our wedding bands will be the rarest rings on earth.”

“But of course, you are the rarest gem on earth.”

“Then show me.”

The man moved down the bed, in between his legs.

“You want me here, then?”

Phantom nodded. The man wrapped his lips around Phantom’s dick and sank down and swallowed him whole.

“Fuck Jin!” Phantom cried as he came flooding the man’s mouth with his cum.

“You’re still the best boy ever.”

“All for you babe.”

Phantom smirked as he hovered on top and brought the man’s legs over his shoulders and continue the surge of ecstasy.


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