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D/c = different color

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D/c = different color.
Your POV:

"Stop it mom! My eyes have frickin soap in them!"

"Shit, sorry V! Let me grab a rag..." I looked around for a hand towel to wipe her eyes with. There was a towel on the vanity that I had set there for after her bath. I grabbed it off the counter and held a small end out.

"Here" I pressed it against her eye and softly wiped them, smiling as she rubbed her other eye with her palm.

Violet, my eight year old daughter. We live in a small house that unfortunately resides in the Underground district. Most people say we're like twins which is true. The only thing that's different is she has (d/c) eyes and a baby face. But there's no doubt that she's fucking adorable.

I'm a 26 year old gang leader/prostitute living in the underground with my daughter on the east side. I had territory over here which ensured safety for violet and all the others residing within my borders. I was like a mayor kind of. The last eight years have been a bumpy road but to be honest, I couldn't be happier.

I got pregnant when I was 18 from one of my clients. Abortions down here are dangerous and have a low success rate, at first I thought my life was ending but here I am. The happiest I've ever been and all because of Violet.

"Sorry V, splashing you is fun" I giggled as she folded her arms over her chest and pouted. I looked down at the old watch on my wrist and noticed the time.

"Oops, it's time to get out now. I've got to go take care of some big girl stuff. I'll drop you off at Scarlett's and pick you up in a hour or two. Afterwards we can go to that diner you like for some dinner" I said as I pulled my sleeves back down and stood up.

Violet jumped up and I wrapped the towel around her,
"yay! Scarlett said she would style my hair. I'm gonna look all fancy at dinner."

"She is pretty good at hair I cant wait to see how it turns out, I'm excited for you. Now come on, let's get you dressed" I grabbed her hand and guided her to her bedroom that was right down the hall across from mine.

Her room had a lot more stuff in it, most of the money I'd earn I'd put towards her. The other I'd set aside as funding to get to the surface and then a portion for food and other shit we needed. I wanted her to have everything she could've dreamed of, she deserves it.

Working as a prostitute and with my position in the gang earned me a nice amount of money. I was on the wealthier side of the people down here and I was grateful to be more fortunate than others.

Violet let go of my hand and ran over to her closet,
"mommy should I wear my black or blue dress?"

"Ooo black because I'm wearing my black shirt too, we can match since everyone says we look like twins anyway."

I sat down on her bed as she laid the black dress out next to me. She let her towel drop and picked it up before folding it neatly.

Cleaning was a big deal in our house, the conditions of the underground were pretty shitty so I wanted the house to be as clean as possible.

She slipped it over her head and grunted as she pulled it down.

"You want me to button it?"

"Yes please" Violet turned around and moved her hair so I could button the top. I pulled the small button through the loop and pulled down her dress a little to fix it.

"There! Since Scarletts going to do your hair then I'll just leave it how it is. Wet hair is easier to manage anyway, let's get going now or I'll be late"

We put our shoes on at the front door and I suited up with my ODM gear. A while back I had stolen this from an MP I killed. It's surprisingly easy to use and I've mastered the skill of it.

"One day can I try your gear?"

"One day you can. But your still little and I don't want to have to put the burden of fighting on you. Remember what I said? Soon we'll go to the surface together with Scarlett. That's why I named you 'Violet', because I want to show you a real violet one day."

"I can help us earn money so we can go sooner! Just give me a job and I can do it!"

I ruffled her hair as I opened the front door, "oh Violet. We will go soon enough, just give me a little more time and we can leave this place. Maybe for your birthday next month"

"That would be the best birthday present ever!"

"Wouldn't it be? Now let's go, I'm sure Scarlett is waiting."

Scarlett is my best friend, she's sort of an aunt to Violet. She's average height and a slender girl with caramel skin, shoulder length black hair and dark brown eyes. Oh, and she's also a prostitute. That's how we met and ever since then she's been taking care of Violet when I have jobs. Usually I just have my men take care of it but today marks a special occasion.

The other day when Violet was playing in the city square with Scarlett and some of the other girls, some scumbag tried to snatch her as a declaration of war with me.

Obviously my men didn't let that happen but I'm not letting them get away with it.

Because anyone with a brain knows, if you mess with Violet then you best believe you're dead meat.

Levi's POV:

"What's this meeting about?"

I was sitting at a table with Hange and Erwin in the deserted mess hall. The squads were out training under Miche and Nanaba's watch.

"I'm sure you've heard of that girl in the underground. She's surprisingly well known up here on the surface."

"Be more specific, eyebrows."

"The girl who runs that gang. She's killed dozens of people, some even belonging to the Military Police. There's rumors that she's a prostitute as well. But that doesn't matter this meeting was called because I need you and Hange to go and bring her here. Her strength is being wasted down there when she could be helping us on the front lines. She'll be a great asset to us once we get her to the surface. Although with the scheduled mission taking place next week I've decided you two will go retrieve her by the end of the month. Is that understood?"

"Can she be in my squad?! I heard from Nifa that she's a total badass! Levi have you heard of her? Rumors say she stole a set of ODM gear just like you back then! She must be cool as hell."

"Shut it, four eyes. I haven't heard of her and I don't plan on doing so. Hange can have her-" I stood up and pushed my chair in, glancing back at Erwin and Hange "- I've already got enough brats. The last thing I need is another one to get on my nerves."

"Well that's too bad Levi. I've already decided that she will join Levi squad, she would be too advanced to be placed on any other. I apologize Hange, but the girl will join the Special Operations Squad."

"What?" Me and Hange said in unison.

"Is that a issue?"

I turned my head forward and started walking, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Tch, no."

𝐈 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) Where stories live. Discover now