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"So what kinda music do you like?" Aiden asked.

"I'm into a lot of different stuff, but I'm kinda partial to Metal Ballads. I love Queen, Guns n Roses, Scorpions and there's too many to list honestly" I looked at him only to see him look a bit awestruck.

"What?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Where have you been all my life?" He pretty much whispered.

I giggled a bit and shoved him playfully. 

We listened to music on his i-pod as the bus moved towards our next destination. I had to say I loved his choice in music. So far, this guy was turning out to be perfect. He played guitar, had great choice in music and was way too gorgeous for his own good. Then there was his signature leather jacket, which made me weak at the knees. I'd always had a thing for guys in leather jackets and he just pulled it off so well. Not to mention he was also the strong, silent type of guy, making him exactly my type.

Safe to say, I was done for.

Minutes later, the bus stopped, prompting us to get off. As we gathered around the spot, Ashraf informed us that it was called "Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa."

"This is a series of underground tunnels and they go in pretty deep. If any of you are claustophobic I would suggest you to stay up here while the rest of us go in to explore the catacomb..." Ashraf announced to everyone.

Hearing this my grandma called me to her.

"I don't think I'll go to this one..." she said, sounding a bit scared at the idea of going into the catacomb.

"Fine you sit this one out, I'll see you when we come out..." I told her.

"Are you sure you're gonna be fine? You can wait out here with me too.." she said, ever the worrywart.

"And miss the chance too see cool secret underground passage-ways that ancient Egyptians used? No thanks..." I smirked, walking back to the rest of the group.

"Stay close everyone, and if at any point any of you feel suffocated, find me at once and I'll get you out..." Ashraf told us before we descended down the winding stairs, deep into the tunnels.

"This is so creepy..." Sam commented.

"This is so cool!" I said, making them all look at me weird.

Me, Aiden, Sam and Sibashish had somehow ended up walking together. 

We walked through the tunnels, admiring the murals on the walls and the architecture of the place, which seemed to be way ahead of its time. Egyptians really were Architectural geniuses.

Soon our Group came to a stop in a room, which was called the "Hall of Caracalla" named after the Emperor Caracalla. There in the middle was a glass case filled with what seemed like animal bones. Ashraf informed us that they were infact horse and human bones. It was like a mass burial chamber of those that were killed by the Emperor.

I circled the glass case in awe. 

"I'm kinda worried about how happy you seem to see a bunch of bones..." Aiden said, bringing me out of my reverie.

"Its not just the bones... just think about how many mysteries this place must hold. It's all so hauntingly beautiful," I said, looking around the whole room in wide-eyed wonder.

"You're weird..." Sam stated.

"I think its cool," Aiden defended before I could answer.

"That's because you're weird too..." Sam said, which earned him a punch to his shoulder from Aiden, making me giggle.

Ashraf then lead us to a mummification chamber and pointed out three sarcophagi which apparently held three mummies. Needless to say, I was way too cheerful, to seem normal. But I didn't care. 

"So mummies..." Aiden said, looking around.

"I know! so cool right?" I exclaimed, tugging at his arm, unconsciously.

"I've wanted to see mummies ever since I saw the 'Mummy' movies," I said excitedly.

Getting no response from him, I looked back at him, only to find him staring at my hands, wound around his arm. 

Embarrassed, I retracted my hands away from his arm and said a quick "sorry."

We walked around for a while, before Ashraf called us to regroup and get back up to the surface. Slowly we all retraced our steps, and went up the winding staircase, and to the open air. 

As soon as we reached the bus, I ran to my grandma and proceeded to tell her how much she had missed. She smiled and listened as I recounted all that I had seen.

After all of us were on the bus, our tour coordinator announced that we would now be returning to our hotel.

I looked at the back of the bus, to find the backseat completely filled. Much to my dismay, Aiden was sitting by the window, looking out, while Koyel was shamelessly checking him out, sitting beside him. On the other side of her was Sharon, who sat talking to Sam animatedly. I looked around for Sibashish who happened to be sitting with Nigel and both of them were engaged in a conversation. The only seat I found open was one next to Tyson, so I went for it.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" I asked.

"No, not at all..." He said, smiling welcomingly.

"So how're you liking this so far?" he asked.

"Its great... although I'm kinda bummed we didn't get to see the actual mummy, just the outside of the sarcophagus," I said pouting.

"Me too! I've been wanting to see one since I saw the 'Mummy' movies..." He said.

"Oh my God me too! I said the exact same thing to Aiden, Sam and Sibashis and they all looked at me like I was crazy..." I said, chuckling.

As the journey progressed, I got to know Tyson more. He turned out to be a pretty chill guy. We also bonded over our love for horror movies. We were so engrossed in our conversation, that we hadn't even realised that the bus had stopped.

"Hey guys... continue the conversation in the hotel, we're here.." Aiden's said, in a marginally rude tone, breaking us out of our conversation.

I got kinda worried when Aiden didn't even give me a smile like usual and walked away emotionlessly, to get off the bus. 

"Sorry about him, he's probably just being moody cause I stole his new best friend for a while..." Tyson said, as we got off the bus.

"Huh?" I said dumbly.

"I'm talking about you... haven't you noticed that apart from me and the guys, he only really talks to you?" He pointed out. 

"I guess... but that's hardly something to get mad over..." I said.

"Aiden can get a bit... territorial... at times," he replied.

I shrugged, not really buying any of it. On reaching our rooms, we said "bye" and entered our rooms respectively. Soon I hit the shower and went straight to the bed after I was done.



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