Bonus Chapter

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A/N: I really don't remember what happened in the last few chapters... Sorry if I get any facts wrong 😅

3 years later...

"This is a bad idea Aiden..." I said pacing around in the backstage.

"Relax... You'll be fine", he said pulling me into a kiss.

With that I along with my nerves melted like ice-cream in the sun. The rockstar had the tendency to do that.

Yet my worries remained as the crowd's cheers could be heard even from backstage.

The gist of my current predicament was that since it was valentine's day, the band's publicist had come up with a plan that essentially had me horrified.

He wanted me to do a duet with Aiden. IN TODAY'S CONCERT.

It started with the fact that Aiden once had me sing with him on an Instagram live. I really had tried my best to run away at the time but sadly Aiden's muscles weren't just for show.

That one live session had garnered quite a lot of attention from the fans. Which brings us to today. Three days prior to this day, the publicist had come up with the idea that the signicant others of the band members would join them on stage in the spirit of valentine's day.

Thankfully not for the entire duration of the concert. But for the last song which was going to be a cover of "Rewrite the Stars". And I would be singing with Aiden. Cue the panic attack.

I'd denied vehemently ofcourse. That was until Aiden had put his powers of persuasion into use. Which included incessant puppy eyes among other things. In the end I'd begrudgingly given in.

Which brings us to this moment. After a brief break before their last track, they were now walking on to the stage, with us girls in tow.

All hell broke loose as we stepped onto the stage.

"We're back guys... And with some guests!" Aiden dutifully yelled into the mic.

"So in the spirit of valentine's day, we decided to bring in the loves of our lives out here with us... Say hi!!" Aiden announced.

"Are you guys ready for the last song of the night?!" He hyped.

The crowd went berserk.

To my utter horror, he tugged me right into the middle of the stage all the and stood hugging me from behind in front of the microphone.

A collective aww-ing sound floated from the audience as I went tomato red.

As his bandmates signalled him that they were ready, he started singing.

"You know I want you

It's not a secret I try to hide

I know you want me

So don't keep sayin' our hands are tied

You claim it's not in the cards

And fate is pullin' you miles away

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