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It was the early hours of the evening and we were getting ready for the cocktail party downstairs. It was finally New Year's eve and everyone had planned on partying till they dropped. Thankfully I'd had the foresight of bringing a nice dress in case something like this came up. 

(A/N: That's her dress)

(A/N: That's her dress)

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Ofcourse it took some convincing, for my Grandma to let me to wear it, seeing as it was pretty revealing. Eventually she gave in and here I was, wearing it to the party tonight. 

Grandma and Bibha had left the room way before me while I took my time getting ready. Once I was done, I locked up and made my way towards the hall where the party was being held. The room was beautifully decorated and was booming with music. 

My eyes sweeped over the guests to land on Aiden. It seemed like he had put some effort into dressing today and boy did he look devastatingly handsome. He was dressed in black dress pants along with a black button up shirt, with his sleeves rolled up.

I walked towards him and he had yet to see me. Tyson saw me first and nudged Aiden to my direction. He froze in his place as his eyes fixed on me. His lips parted slightly as I stood right in front of him.

Blushing, I smiled a little. He just blinked repeatedly.

"Um... Aiden? you good?" I asked, a bit worried.

"You look beautiful..."

His words had me turning red as I looked down to compose myself.

"You look handsome... you always do," I cursed myself a bit for saying the second part. I hope he didn't think I was too desperate.

"Dance with me?" He asked, already grabbing my hand.

"Aiden I suck at dancing," I said, embarrassed.

"Its just slowdancing, all you gotta do is sway to the music," he said, pulling me to the dance floor. 

He took me to the very middle of the dance floor. Thankfully the room was dark and crowded, thus sheilding us from Grandma's eyes.

As I placed my hands on his shoulder, the song changed, as if on cue. 

(A/N: Play the song here)

"I love this song," he said.

"I've always wanted to slow dance to it with someone," I admitted.

"I thought you hated dancing," he teased.

He twirled me abruptly making me squeal a bit. He was pretty good at this, unlike me. At this point though, we were just hugging and swaying to the music rather than dancing.

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