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It felt like I'd only been sleeping for minutes before the alarm went of. When in reality it had been atleast 5 hours. It was 4 in the morning and I was in charge of waking Grandma and Bibha both. So, in my sleepy haze I went to the bathroom and did my business before waking them up. 

Lethargically I changed my clothes and checked the luggage one final time. Soon enough we found ourselves trudging towards the bus. Getting on, my eyes immediately darted to the back, where Aiden was gesturing at me to come over.

"Its gonna be a long ride and I can't go through it with anyone else... so get in," Aiden said, moving his legs so that I could get to the window seat.

"I'm flattered," I said, worming into the seat.

It was still dark outside and it was still pretty chilly. Slowly the bus started moving and it seemed like everyone was still half asleep. The dimmed lights, the steady rhythm of the bus and the body heat seeping out of Aiden was making me way too comfortable. I was trying so hard the keep my eyes open and I guess Aiden caught on to it.

"You can use my shoulder as a pillow you know..." he said, peering down at me. 

His cute bedhead and raspy morning voice was making it even harder for me to focus. At that point I decided to just let go of my inhibitions and rested my head comfortably on his shoulder. It took a few minutes before I was out like a light.


I woke up to the dazzling sun shining on my face. Adjusting to my surroundings, I blushed like hell seeing the position I was in. 

Somehow in my sleep, I had wrapped my arms around his and his arm was also resting on my lap. Ofcourse my head was on his shoulder and his face was resting on my head. Gingerly I unwrapped myself  from him but it still ended up waking him up.

"Hey Goodmorning," I greeted.

"'Mornin..." he murmured, stretcing his arms out.

"Hey lovebirds... we're almost there..." Nigel's voice pulled our attention.

"Shut up..." Aiden rasped out.

"Sapphire, you're stealing our bestfriend from us..." Sam said, appearing out of the blue.

"That's not true!" I defended.

"Oh just leave them be Sam... its young love..." Nigel said, sighing dramatically.

Aiden punched him in the shoulder while I blushed profusely. 

"Please, they live halfway across the world from each other, so whatever this is, has to end after 5 days," Sam retorted, making my mood drop to hell.

Being sucked into a bout of sadness, I barely even registered when Sam and Nigel left. I only came out of my sulking when Aiden shook me saying we had reached. Deciding to push down those thoughts for the moment, I followed him off the bus. 

On gathering in the hotel lobby, we were informed to put our luggage in our rooms, freshen up and come back down. Turned out that we were about to head to the pyramids in about half an hour.

The excitement of seeing the Pyramids made me forget about everything else. Hurriedly we went to our rooms to dump our luggage and freshen up a bit. Cairo, being a desert area was hot as hell right now. So I decided to carry a light jacket, tied around my waist, just in case.

None of us wasted any time and were at the lobby on time. Buzzing with excitement, we got on the bus. Oddly enough, Koyel and Sharon engaged me in a conversation this time. I hadn't really got to know them yet, so we talked on the way to the pyramids. Meanwhile I decided to let Aiden spend some time with his friends.

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