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The dreaded day was here. We had to leave in ten minutes, so here I was, standing in front of his door. I knocked twice and moments later the door opened revealing Sam. 

"Emerald? what are you doing here?" 

"I need to see Aiden, I'm leaving"

"Oh... um yeah come in.."

Even Sam didn't mock like usual. Aiden was standing alone in the balcony, looking out. 

"Aiden?" I called out softly.

He turned to look at me with glassy eyes. As he came closer I could see a tear escape from his eye. 

"So I guess this is goodbye.." I said, smiling sadly.

He didn't answer, instead he just hugged me like his life depended on it. I reveled in the feeling of being in his arms, one last time.

"I love you..." he whispered in my ear.

I lost it there and started sobbing into his chest.

"I love you too Aiden..."

He separated from me only to crash his lips onto mine. Our lips moved together perfectly as our hands struggled to grasp each other even closer. I felt my feet leave the ground as he just picked me up while our lips stayed connected. 

Reluctantly, I pulled back after a while, making him put me down. 

"Baby its time..." I mumbled sadly.

He closed his eyes, putting his forehead on mine. 

"We'll meet again... so don't say goodbye sweetheart..." he spoke, looking into my eyes. 

With one last hug, and saying 'bye' to Tyson, Nigel and Sam, I left... 


I moved like a machine, all the way to the airport and went though the security checks as if on autopilot. 

Only as we boarded the flight and took our seats, did I let myself think about him again. I knew in my heart, that nobody else I ever met was going to be enough after Aiden. He was my Mr. Perfect and the one that got away.

He was the one. But we weren't meant to be. 


Hours later, after landing in Dubai and re-boarding another flight, we finally landed on home ground. Back in India and back to reality.

The sudden change in the surroundings felt weird. Me and my Grandma parted from Bibha as we walked towards my Dad who was waiting for us with a smile. 

Seeing him after so long and the excitement of seeing mom again and telling them all the stories, momentarily took my mind off of Aiden. 

Chatting all the way home, I recollected my experiences, leaving out Aiden ofcourse. 

Dad asked me how were the people that I met, but Grandma answered before I could. 

"She was almost always with those Americans... They all became really good friends." 

Dad looked at me, waiting for an elaboration so I told him about all four of them. I left out all the "moments" with Aiden for obvious reasons. Those memories would be mine to keep. They were all I had of him so I wanted to keep the last of him that I had, just to myself.

Soon, we reached home and Mom opened the door with a bright smile. I hugged her close and took in her familiar sweet smell. This was the first time that I'd been away from her and dad. I really had missed them.

We walked in and I started telling her everything that I told dad and more. She smiled and listened as I talked and talked about everything. 

At night I slept with Mom as I'd missed her so much. We laid on the bed talking some more.

"So those Americans... did you like anyone?" she asked teasingly.

"Uh.. nothing like that Ma... they were just really good friends..." I said, stuttering a bit.

"Seems like you were closer to this Aiden boy than you were with anyone else..."

"Yeah... we became really good friends... he was the quieter one out of all of them... you would've liked him actually..." I smiled.

"That's nice, you clicked any photos with them?" she asked.

"Yeah wait I'll get the camera..." Saying I left the bed to get the camera from my travel bag.

I showed her all the photos that I'd clicked. Pointing out all the places and the people.

I had one photo where it was Me, Aiden, Sibashish, Nigel, Tyson and Sam. I showed it to her and pointed out who was who. 

"Well I have to say, Aiden really is handsome... great choice," she commented.

"Mom!!" I blushed as she chuckled at my reaction.

"Okay its late and you must be tired... lets sleep now..." she said.

Turning out the lights we tried to sleep. After a while I fell asleep to the thoughts of Aiden, hoping to see him again in my dreams atleast.

Till we see each other again in person. 

Or if we find each other again at all...



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