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It was pretty late when our flight landed at Luxor and by the time we pulled up to the Nile bank, it was almost midnight. Ashraf led us through the crowds towards the entrance of the Cruise Liner. 

I helped my Grandma step onto the ship which was a bit tough as it was floating. We walked through the hallways and made it to the very center which was kind of a lobby of sorts. Looking up I saw the staircases and balconies which led to the rooms. The golden banisters and polished wood theme gave it a very Titanic feel. Needless to see, sleep was the last thing on my mind. 

Marvelling at the interior, we were lead to our room, which happened to be on the lowest level. Now if I thought the rest of the ship was amazing, our room was even more mindblowing. 

A huge glass window which covered most of the wall, gave a close up view of the river. Walking close to the window, I realised just how close we were to the water. Had the glass barrier not been there, we would be getting splashed with the water, we were that close. 

I sat there for a while before Grandma told me that I needed to sleep now

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I sat there for a while before Grandma told me that I needed to sleep now. Reluctantly, I stood up from my seat beside the window and made my way to the bed. The thought that we were in a ship in the middle of Nile, made sleep hard to come by. But eventually it caught up to me and I was out.


The next morning I finished breakfast in record time. Why you ask? because the sooner I finished the sooner I could go up to the deck. I kept nudging Aiden to finish fast and then I all but dragged him by his arm as I ran up to the deck, with him on tow. 

"Woah..." I mumbled, just as I set foot onto the deck. 

Apart from the attack of the merciless sun, the whole thing seemed amazing. I walked over to the edge and peered down at the waters of Nile, holding on to the metal bars. A breeze chose that moment, to hit me from the back making my hair flow forward. I felt the breeze moving forward, somewhere I couldn't. So, I closed my eyes and allowed the breeze, to take away, a part of me, with it.

"I love how the littlest things seem to make you happy the most sometimes," Aiden's voice broke me out of my reverie.

I looked up at him questioningly.

"I mean everyone here is chilling under the shade and complaining about the heat, then here you are, just enjoying the breeze," he reasoned.

"We're in the middle of freaking Nile! why in my right mind would I ever complain?" 

"Exactly! but most people tend to forget the good side of things and focus a lot more on the bad side," He said.

"Well its not my fault they're all idiots," I sassed, making him chuckle.

"Imagine how much more amazing its gonna be at night," I mused.

"Then lets come back here at night... just the two of us" he said.

Somehow his arms had ended up holding the railings on either side of me, caging me in. Our faces were dangerously close and this time we were entirely too much exposed to the public eye. Fearing that my grandma might see me, I discreetly broke away from my favourite cage.

"We should head out soon, its almost time for us to leave..." 

With that I excused myself as we went back to our respective rooms to get ready for the day out. 

Today we were going to get off the ship as it anchored for the day and head out to see "The Karnak Temple". Soon we got off the cruise to head to our bus.

"Hey girl! so we saw that cute little scene today..." Koyel said, coming out of nowhere as I walked to the bus.

"Um... what scene?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"You and Aiden... honestly I was a bit bummed when he didn't even talk to me, but I really think you guys look cute together," She said, making me blush at her words.

"We're just friends Koyel." 

"Oh please, you could cut that tension between you two with a knife..."

"You're imagining things Koyel, there's nothing between us, besides its impossible for anything to happen, I mean we're practically worlds apart," I reasoned.

"Ah so that's the reason of your denial... the distance?" She said with a knowing smirk.

I shrugged, too tired to lie about my feelings.

"Well I think you should let yourself go and give into this feeling, even if nothing comes out of it, atleast you'll still get to experience an epic romance," She said winking at me before she walked over to Sharon, letting me get on the bus.

Despite my kinda cold getaway from him at the deck, Aiden had still saved me a seat at our regular spot. I realised my actions might've come off as rude which made me feel guilty as hell. 

As I slid into the seat, he smiled his charming smile before offering me one of his earphones and shoving another into his ear, before choosing an amazing song to start our journey to.

As the bus moved forward, I looked at the dork sitting beside me, playing air guitar to the guitar solo of Bohemian Rhapsody. Smiling at is antics, I reflected on Koyel's words from earlier. The kind of connection that I found with him, I doubted I'd ever find it anywhere else again. But maybe this kind of perfect love, only comes in our lives once. I for one, didn't want to be indifferent to it as it happened.

That one epic romance... 



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