Chapter 18

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"And when we do, we see the donut hole has a hole in its center. It is not a donut hole, but a smaller donut with its own hole and our donut is not hole at all." You an Lieutenant look at each othet confused. "Blanc, look, I understand that this is amusing for you..."

"Why was I hired?" Blanc says cutting Lieutenant off. "Why would someone hire me?" He says pacing. "Someone fishing for a crime to reverse the will." You say like it's obvious. "But I was hired before the will was read. So yes, the person mus of known the contents of the will." You thought for a second, 'Ransom knew what was happening with his part of the will, could he have known the rest?'

"That same person mustbhave known a crime was commited and further if thr intent was to reverse Marta's inheritance, they must of known that Marta was responsible. An intriguing combination of factors." Blanc says."Someone knew what Marta did. They wanted to expose it but could not reveal how they knew." You say finishing his thought.

"Fran!" Marta says. "She was blackmailing me. She knew what I did." "Yeah, but Fran wante money. She did not want the crime exposed." You say. "What if someone in the family had observed Marta doing something suspicious?" "But they would have had no reason not to speak up." Blanc says answering your question.

"The answer is not so simple. Now with thr entire situation in my field of view, there are still many errors." He sighs. "Marta it will not be easy for you to hear, but there is at least one true guilty party with it all. Guilty in thr sense of acting with malice and commiting a heinous crime wuth selfish intent." He pauses. "Trooper Wagner." Marta looks confused. "Trooper Wagner?" Marta asks. Blanc frowns. "No."

Wagner then walks in with Ransom and he looks at you with frustration and confusion in his eyes. "Marta, I'm sorry. I told them everything." Ransom says. "It's ok Ransom. I'm glad you did." "Not exactly everything though." You say connecting pieces in your head.

"Is this about what Grandnana said?" Marta asks. "She saw me and mistaked me for Ransom." You laugh. "Yeah right. A thin 5'4 female was mistaken for a muscular 6'0 man. Even with how old she is, she wouldn't make that mistake."

" In the meanwhile, Mr. Hugh Ransom Drysdale you might tell us all, why you hired me?" Ransom freezes and we all look at him. "Why I hired you?" "Your right, let's back it up to the night if the party."

"Your argument with Harlan, what were the over heared words by the Nazi child nasturbating in the bathroom?" "My will and I'm warning you." You say. "You and Harlan were drama mamas, you shared a love of twisting the knife into onr another. You see I don't believe he would slip it in halfway. I submit, Harlan told you everything."

"Marta what did Ransom saybhe conversation with Harlan ended with?" You ask Marta. "Harlan told him I could beat him at GO." She said. "So I asked myself, Marta why would the topic of the will have steered around to Marta? There is one obvious explanation."

"This is some heavy duty conjecture." Ransom says smirking.

"Granted, but it is thr only way what comes next make sense. So you storm out with (y/n),you drop her off at your house and drive off into the night. You tell (y/n) later what was it? Feeling an over wealming sense of..."

"Clarity. That he had to make do for him and I hear on out." You say.

"Exactly. Marta. The will. Harlan. Do for yourself. And a plan forms. You return to the house. You sneek up the trellis so as not to be seen bu the rest of the family who are still having a party." You see Ransom tense up.

"You knew the medicine Harlan took. You knew what Marta would be giving him.... "" And you knew that if Marta was responsible for his death, the will would change and you would get your share of it." You say smiling at the fact that you figured it out. Blanc smiles at you.

"You use the syriges in thr kit to switch the medicine and then you take the Naloxone, the life saving antidote." You keep smiling till you look at Ransom and see fire in his eyes. Your smile fades away as you look away from him.

"No that's impossible." Marta says stunned at what you just said.

"If he did that, then when I got them mixed up..." She pauses. "I switched them back so."

"You gave Harlan the correct ones but not accidentally. I taped over the lables of these two vitals. The vitals ar identical. How did you know that this is the morphine?" Blanc asks holding the morphine bottle. "I... Just knew." "You knew from the slightest difference in the way they look."

"Then Harlan was..."

"Yes, Harlan was fine."

Marta stands there looking like a ghost.

"A twisted web but we're not done yet. There is still more to untangle."


Sorry for taking forever to update but I'm going to try to update more regularly.
I did see a comment about adding smut to one chapter so i decided i would write a different ending for that chapter where there is smut whenever i finish this book.
Thank you for reading so far! : )

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