Chapter 2

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As you watch Ransom go into Harlan's office, Meg leads you into the living room where Linda, Richard, Martha, Walt, Joni, Donna and Walt's son Jacob are sitting on the couches talking. Jacob is on his phone like always. When Linda sees you, you hear a disappointed sigh come from her. "Oh, (Y/N)." Linda says turning away so she doesn't have to talk to you. Meg notices and brings you over to Martha. You three start talking until Richard turns to you and asks how thing are between you and Ransom."Oh uhh, tings are good between us." You reply surprised by his question. "Good. By the way where is my son?" "He's in Har..." You were cut off by loud yelling and Ransom storming out of Harlan's office. "Shit." You whisper under your breath. "(Y/N) let's go. We're leaving." 

You walk towards Ransom and he pulls grabs your arm to pull you faster out of the house and to the Beemer. As you and Ransom get into the Beemer, you look over at him. His face is expressionless, but you've know him so well and for so long that you could tell he is furious. As you two are headed home, you notice that his knuckles are pure white from clutching the wheel so hard. When you guys get home, you finally try to ask what happened." Ransom what happened back there?" Without looking at you he shouts, " Nothing happened!" You are startled at first. "Ransom..." "(Y/N) just leave it!" He snaps back at you.

You eyes are wide because Ransom never snaps at you. He sighs, looks at you and says, " I'm sorry (Y/N). I just need to go for a drive." He walks to the door after hugging you and kissing you forehead. He grabs his coat and heads out the door. You watch him him leave until you can't see the car anymore. You get ready for bed and cuddle with Dodger as you try to sleep, but the same question keeps going through your head: what happened between Harlan and Ransom?


Thank you for reading my second chapter. 

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