Chapter 19

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"Marta when Grandnana spotted you climbing down the trellis she said, Are you back already, because earlier that night Ransom was the one who climed down." Blanc said. Ransom then looked at Marta. "Marta come on." He then turns to Blanc. "This is stoopid with two o's and you don't have a shred of evidence, you just spinning a fairy tale." Ransom says. "Not a shred no, just as we have no real proof of Marta's mixing up the vials so it's your word against..." "You start saying until Ransom cuts you off." "You have her confession!" He shouts.

Marta then looks up at Ransom. "Right, we do have that. If you'll indulge me, I'd like to spin a little further." Blanc says. "Later that night, you came back to the house, sneaking out of our place, to break back in and retrieve the tampered vials." You say. Blanc nods at you and continues, "However, this time the dogs were outside. They barked. Waking Meg. No matter. You'll get the vials tomorrow." "But tomorrow brings news not of a medical error and guilty nurse, but a slit throat and suicide?" You say. "Now the circumstances are perfect for the anonymous hiring of me: you know a crime has been committed by Marta, you need her to be caught for it, you cannot reveal how you know." Blanc says.

"Enter Benoit Blanc, my father." You say smirking.

"Ok guys look I hear what you are saying..." Lieutenant was cut off by Wagner sushing him. "The body was discovered early the next morning. The police, the medical examiners, the family, everyone swarms in." He turns to Ransom. "And there is no possible way you can get to Marta's bag to remove the vials. You must wait for your moment, when the investigation is over and you know the house will be empty." Blanc says."And that's why you missed the funeral." You say still smirking as Ransom frowns at you.

"Fran then witnesses you tampering with the medical bag. She didn't know what you were doing, but she knew you were up to no good so her mind begins to turn." You say. "She loved Harlan. She hated Ransom. So she decides to test her theory and make this asshole pay. She then gets a copy of the blood report. I will be honest i don't know how." Blanc says. "She has a cousin who works as a receptionist at the examiners office." Marta says. "Well volia, The numbers mean nothing to her, but if Ransom is guilty, it's existence is a threat. So she makes copies and makes her blackmail note." Blnac says.

"So why did she send it to me?" Marta says. "She did not. She sent it to Ransom." You say. "When Ransom gets it, he still thinks Marta gave Harlan the tampered drugs. A blood tox report will prove Marta's guilt." Blanc says.

"He goes to the will reading. Ready to see the family tear themselves apart, secure in the knowledge that it will all be undone when the tox report comes to light." "And then...". You grin. "Marta's confession. Now you realize that Marta has commited no crime, and the tox report will prove her innocence. He had lost. Unless..." "Your not going to give up the money." He looks at Ransom then continues the pace. "You have come this far. Just one step further. Just one last act. You decide your in."

"Step One: Destory all evidence of Marta's innocence." You say standing next to your father. "Step Two: Send Marta the anonymous email with a late morning rendezvous time and deliver the blackmail note." Blanc says. "Step Three: Keep your appointment with Fran." You say. Ransom stares right into your eyes with anger in his. "Now the board is set. Marta will get the blackmail note. You will put the pieces together for her. You'll guide her to the rendezvous. You'll make an anonymous call to the police, they will catch her there with the body and burned evidence." Blanc says. "She said you did this. She didn't say 'you did this', she wasn't talking about me she said, 'Hugh did this, ' cause you made the help call you Hugh. Cause your an asshole." Marta says.

"And if Marta had not outplayed you once again, by having a kind heart, by saving Fran's life, though it meant her losing the inheritance and going to jail. She didn't play your game, she saved Fran's life." Blanc says.

You then look at Ransom and your shocked at his expression.

He looks.... afraid?

The last time he looked afraid was the night he introduced you to his family.

"Fran's alive?" Ransom asks.

"Oh yes Fran who will confirm this story and will send you, Hugh, to jail." Then Marta's phone rings. She looks at it to see the hospital calling her. "Yes?" She says answering the phone. "Yes thank you doctor, that's great news we'll be there soon." She hangs up the phone.

"She's okay. She's ready to talk." Ransom stares at Marta. His face blank. "Trooper Wagner, if you would keep Mr. Drysdale in custody while Lieutenant Elliot, Ms. Cabrera, (y/n), and myself go to the hospital." Ransom stands, steps towards Marta and looks her in the eyes. His poker face breaking into a grin.

"I want to say this to you not ti a courtroom of cameras. Just you because you know it's the truth: we allowed you into our home. We allowed you to take care of Harlan, to be apart if the family. You think I'm not going to fight for our birth right, our home, our family home?" Ransom says.

You roll your eyes at his words. "Harlan bought the house in the eighties." You say. "Oh shut up (y/n)! Shut up! You and your father with that Kentucky fried fog horn rag horn drawl. Yeah i killed Fran but I guess I didn't so you have nothing on me. Nothing. I'll get a few charges, with a good lawyer, I'll be out soon enough." He turns back to Marta as you clench your fist. "And then you'll see just how much hell I can wreak your life." Ransom says.

Then Marta starts making weird faces. Then her jaw chlenches and her cheeks buldge. Then she projects vomit into Ransoms face. "AUGH! What the shit!" Ransom yells.

"THAT MEANS SHE'S LYING!!!" Wagner says excited. "That's right Fran is dead and you just confessed to her murder." Ransom pauses and smirks. "Well, in for a penny," He then lunges for a knife on the wall and plunges it into Marta's chest knocking them both over.

They lie on the floor, breathing hard. Her eyes were wide with pain and horror. His cold and wild. But then she blinks. He cocks his head realizing something. He withdraws the  knife from her chest. It's a fake blade. He pumps it back and forth a few times. "Well shit." He says. Lieutenant and Wagner wrestle Ransom off of Marta and into cuffs.

Before they can walk out of the room, you stop them real quick. "Hey hold up one second." Ransom looks at you. "(Y/n) I'm so..." You punch his face an his nose starts to bleed. "That's for lying to me and threatening my father and I." You punch him again. "And that's for trying to frame and kill my friend." He looks at you hurt.

You sit outside as they put Ransom in the police car. "(Y/n) please I'm so sorry! (Y/n)!" You look up at him and flip him off. You look at your hand and play with the ring on your finger. "You doin okay?" You look up to see Blanc coming over. "Yeah, I'll be fine. I just need some time." He sits down next to you. "So I was thinking, maybe you could move in with me until you can find your own place and get away from him. We could work together? You make a pretty good detective."

You think for a second and smile. "Yeah I would like that and it would be nice to have my own place." Blanc smiles. "Great. I'll help you pack later." You smile. "Yeah ok." He stand up and walks away. You start thinking to yourself. 'It'll be nice to get away from this family and start my own life.'

*10 Years Later*

You and Nlanc have your own detective agency and you solve crimes all over the world. You meet someone new and you two start your own family together. Your happy to be free from Ransom and the Thrombey family but you still keep in contact with Marta and Meg. As you stand in your balcony, you think how lucky you are to have your husband and your two kids. You look at the gorgeous view and smile.


So this is the end of this story. I just want to say thank you for all the love on this story and that you stayed with it even when i didn't update for a while.
Hopefully the ending was good bc I was a little nervous thinking it might not be good.
Anyways thank you for everything😊

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