Chapter 12

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You and Ransom pull up next to the house. When you guys get out, the dogs run up to Ransom and you laugh. "No, no, no. Hey, hey, hey!" Ransom says trying to get the dogs away from him. "Hey, stop, stop!" "Ransom it's okay." You laugh again. He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you close to him as you two start walking up to the house. You see Lieutenant and Trooper walk out the door towards you two. "Hugh Drysdale?" Lieutenant asks. "Ransom. Call me Ransom. Only the help calls me Hugh." Ransom says walking with his arm still around your waist. You turn around and mouth Sorry to them.

 "Okay this is Trooper Wagner and I'm Lieutenant Elliot. We just wanna ask you a few questions." Ransom stops and looks at both of them, rolls his eyes, and walks into the house. "Excuse me. Sir?" Ransom kisses your forehead and lets you go to walk into the kitchen while Trooper and Lieutenant walk in after you two. You notice Blanc and Marta walking down the stairs. "We're officers of the law." Trooper says. "You gonna run me in? I don't feel like talking. I'm distraught." Ransom says as he walks back in with some cookies and taking his place by your side. "Hey Benny, you wanna ask this guy some questions?" Lieutenant asks." All right, what is this? What's the arrangement?" Ransom asks.

 "Mr. Drysdale" Blanc was cut off by Ransom. "CSI KFC?" He says walking away and leading you along with him to the living room. 'This is not how I hoped Ransom and my dad would meet.' You thought. "Hey Frankie, how about a glass of cold milk?" Ransom asks while taking a seat. You sit on the arm of the chair and put your arm around the head of the chair holding your hand out for a cookie. "Hey asshole, not her name, not her job." Meg says mad at Ransom. "Hey Meg. How's your SJM degree coming?" Ransom says."Trust fund prick." Meg says back." All right guys." Joni says. 

"Hey everyone." You turn around to see the lawyer walking in." I'm just gonna be in the other room setting up, be ready in 10 minutes." He says and walks out. You notice Blanc eyeing you and Ransom. Feeling uncomfortable, you look away and gesture for another cookie." "Funny Ransom, you skipped the funeral, but you're early for the will reading." Walt says, giving Ransom the stink eye. "Okay, people grieve in different ways, let's not" Joni was cut off by Walt. " You know what? It's funny you're here at all. Why are you even bothering? That's what I'm asking myself."" What's that supposed to mean?" Richard asks." He knows what it's supposed to mean." Walt says.

 "Wait, Walt, what?" Linda asks. Everyone then looks at Walt with curiosity. "Jacob was in that bathroom on the night of the party." "Oh, so that's where you were all night." Joni says scoffing. "What the hell were you doing in the bathroom all night?" Richard asks."Nothing." Jacob says embarrassed." Swatting Syrin refugees?" Meg says." No. I was not." Jacob says annoyed. "Alt right troll." Meg says. "Liberal snowflake." He says back. 

"I don't know what any of that means." Walt says. "It means your son is a creep." "Oh, my son's a creep?!" Walt says back. "Guys just.... Walt, he was in the bathroom" "Joylessly masturbating to pictures of dead deer." Richard says. You, Ransom, and Linda make the same disgusted face at what Richard said. "You know what Richard! You wanna go?" Walt says."You bet, Skippy. Let's go!" Walt stands up and they start hitting each other while Joni tries to stop them and you and Ransom are laughing. "We gotta do this more often." Ransom says laughing and you chuckle at his comment.

 "Hey! Jacob, we know where this is going. You were in the bathroom next to Harlan's office, where he had the fight with Ransom. You heard something. Spill it." Linda says. Jacob is silent for a moment and then he finally speaks. "I just heard two things, my will, and some more yelling, then I heard Ransom say I'm warning you." Everyone looks at Ransom who is looking at Jacob with the stink eye. "Ransom? What does that mean?" Linda asks."

I think that means our father finally came to his senses and cut this worthless little brat out of his will." You make a knuckle with your hand at what Walt said about Ransom. He then leans in closer to Ransom."So, I guess you gonna have to sell the Beemer and give your notice at the country club and kick whatever fashion drug your on because if you think that after all the bridges you burned, after all the crap you put this family through for the last 10 years that any of us are gonna support you, like dad used to say a single red dime, your nuts! I guess your shitty little girlfriend will have to bail you out." That got under Ransom's skin. He clenched his jaw and said "fiancee." "Whatever." Alt says sitting back down. "Son." Richard says. "Father." Ransom says in a sarcastic voice. 

"Did Harlan tell you he was gonna cut you out of the will?" "Yup." He said popping the p. "Well, then he's done what none of us were strong enough to do. Maybe this might finally make you grow up." You look up at Richard and nod your head agreeing with him."Thank you. My Father ladies and gentlemen." "Nothing good is ever easy." Joni says. "Up your ass Joni." "Up your ass? Very nice." Meg says. "Matter of fact, eat shit, how's that? Eat shit, eat shit, eat shit, definitely eat shit, eat shit... " Ransom says pointing at everyone in the room, besides you, while everyone yelled at him. You walk out not able to take it anymore. 'What am I going to do about this?' Just then, the lawyer walks out. "I'm ready for you now."

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