Chapter 5

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( During the questioning it jumps from person to person in this chapter and the next one.)

"I killed him (Y/N). I killed Harlan." 

You freeze at Martha's words. "You killed Harlan... How? Why? What happened?" "The night of his 85th birthday party when I brought him to his study to give him his medication, he wanted to play a game of GO. I tried to talk him out of it, but I ended up playing with him. after we played our game, I gave him his medication." You listen closely. " 100 milligrams IV push of Toradol and 3 mg of morphine like usual." "What, what, what, you give him morphine?" You were shocked about the morphine. You know about the Toradol, but not the morphine. "Yeah, I gave him morphine to help him sleep, but I never gave him to much until now." You nod your head following along with what Martha was saying.

"I tried looking for the antidote in my bag, but I looked in there like 50 times and i couldn't find it. So then Harlan told me a plan to hide what I did. 

First, he told me to go downstairs as noisily as I could, and then say goodbye loudly to Walt. He told me to call attention to the time. He told me to drive out the gate then to try and avoid the security cameras by pulling off the road before the carved elephant. Then I needed to park and come back on foot up to the house. He told me to take the side yard and go through the little gate. Since the dogs knew me they didn't bark. He told me to get up to the third floor without being seen and the only way I could was by climbing up the side trellis and going through the trick window. 

After I got back into the house , he wanted me to get his robe and cape, put them on and go downstairs so Walt would see me and think I was Harlan. Last, I would leave the way I came and try not to be seen. Drive home, then the police would question me a few days later." You take in everything Martha just explained to you. 

"So what did Harlan tell you to tell the police?" Martha thought for a second remembering what Harlan told her. "He told me to say: I took him upstairs, we played our nightly game of GO. At some point he knocked the board over and Joni came up the check on us. I gave him pain medication, he pulled his shoulder last week and I left him in his study at midnight. I said goodbye to Walt. Went home." You think about everything Martha just told you. Since you've always been a fan of mysteries, you thought of anyway the police could get around any of this. You finally respond to what Martha told you. "I think your gonna be off the hook if you say everything Harlan told you to say. Word for word. they your best to stay calm and your gonna get away with this." You smile at Martha and she nods her head

*Time skip to after the funeral*

When you two get to the mansion, the dogs run up to you the two of you and they smell Dodger all over you. You guys see police officers outside of the house and Martha looks at you with a worried look. You mouth to her "stay calm" and she nods her head. One of the police officers says " Hey! Excuse me are you two with the help?" Just then Meg walks out of the house and she looks at the police man saying "They're with us. The help?" She gives a annoyed sigh at the two of them. "It's ok, I'm sorry." Martha says to Meg. "No it's ok." Meg looks back at the police saying what the hell. You two gave her a hug before you start walking to the mansion. 

"How are you doing." Meg asks Martha. "Not very good. Alone. Lots of this and not knowing what to do next." Martha says with tears in her eyes. "Martha, anything you need. You're part of this family." Meg smiles at Martha. "You to (Y/N)." You smile while you and Martha say thank you. 

Just then Linda opens the door. "How you doing Kiddo." Linda asks not even giving you a glance, but knowing your there. You walk in after them trying not to get in their way. "How are you?" Martha asks Linda. "You know, the funeral helped, I guess. Seeing him. I thought you should've been there." In the distance you hear Richard's voice coming towards you guys. "Get arrested.  Die up your own ass for all I care." Richard says into his phone. "He's not coming." You look down knowing exactly who he's talking about. "Ransom. Little shit. Missed the funeral." He and Linda look over at you with disappointment. Just then a police officer comes into the room asking for one of them to question. Linda volunteers herself.

As she walks in, you sneak off to a room where you could see and hear everything. "We're just gonna reintroduce ourselves as a formality. i am detective Lieutenaut Elliot and this is trooper Wagner. Now I'm going to record, this just to make things easier. All right, we're with Linda Drysdale Thrombey. Harlan's Thrombey's eldest daughter. In discussing the events that took place the night of his demise, one week ago, November 8th. So, we understand at that night the family had gathered to celebrate your father's 85th birthday. How was it?" Lieutenant Elliot asks Linda. "The party? Pre my dad's death? Oh it was great." Linda replies to his question. "Did anyone out of the family show face?" You shift you position for a second. "Fran, the housekeeper, Martha, Harlan's caregiver, good girl, hard worker." You smile at what Linda said about Martha. "Wanetta - Great nana. Harlan's mom. Oh, and (Y/N). My son Ransom's fiancé. Great girl, really nice, good for my son." You were surprised that Linda said something nice about you. "Okay, and your son Ransom, did he attend as well?" "Yes, but he left early with (Y/N)." You hear a note from the piano play which startles you. Who could be playing the piano? You thought yourself. 

"Right, would you say that all four of you showed up at the same time?" "No." Linda responds. "Richard came early to help the caterers set up." "Okay, and you and your husband Richard work at a real-estate firm in Boston?" "No, no, it's my company. I built my business from the ground up." You chuckle to yourself knowing she got  1 million dollars from Harlan. "Just like your father. You two were very close?" "We have our own secret way of communicating. You had to find that with dad. You had to find a game to play with him and if you did that, and you played by his rules." Linda gives a smile thinking about what she was saying.

Next the Lieutenant questioned Richard. "Everyone idolizes their dad, right?" Richard says. "I don't know, do they?" The Lieutenant says. You knew he meant Ransom. Richard sighed. "Very much not. I don't know why I said that, but my wife Linda does." 

Next was Walt. "For the record, I'm speaking with Walt Thrombey, Harlan Thrombey's youngest son. So, you run your father's publishing company?" "Yeah. It's my - it's our... It's the family's publishing company, dad trust me to run it. 30 languages, over 80 million copies sold. A real legacy. You guys fans?" Walt asks the Lieutenant and Trooper. "I mean, I don't do much function reading myself..." The trooper cut the Lieutenant off. "I'm a big fan I mean his plots are just like, I won't spoil it for you, but okay like "A thousand knives", the cow and the shotgun." The trooper gags over the books for a while longer. " ... where did he come up with the plot?" Trooper finally finishes talking. Walt responds with, "Dad said the plots just popped into his head fully formed. It was the easy part for him."

You hear the piano play again. The same note. "So your in the area right? You guys probably arrived at the same time?" Lieutenant asks Walt. "We all got here around 8. My wife Donna. She's my rock. My son Jacob, he's 16. Very politically active." You think back to what Richard said: The boy is literally a Nazi. "Kids today with the internet. It's amazing." Walt says. "So the night went well?" " I was happy to have that night with him. to be by his side. It's like i can still feel his hand on my shoulder. Passing the torch." 

Now Joni. "I am here with Joni Thrombay, Harlan's daughter in law correct?" Joni nods "Yes, i married his son Neil and had one child Meg." Then he died 15 years later." Joni starts talking about her skin care company Flam. "I think Linda was upset, but Harlan understood that I needed money to pay for Meg's schools." You hear the piano again, same note. "If i could pause, because I just... who is that guy?"

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