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"Mother, I thought you said you brought me a freak,"

"Oh, but she is a freak Dandy! She's the sister to those twins you loved so dearly,"

You didn't have to be looking at the man-child to know the expression on his face. He looked as if he was ready to kill.

"Well if you knew how much I loved the twins then why would you bring their good for nothing sister. It's just like that time we went to the aquarium and saw the baby walrus instead of the blue whale. She's nothing but a peasant in rags,"

You scoffed, finally having had enough, "You realise that I'm in the back seat? Right?"

It was the first time you'd ever been compared to a baby walrus and you didn't really know how to feel about it. You weren't even really wearing rags, it was just a battered down aviator jacket over a red top. Your brown trousers didn't look that bad either, you thought to yourself.

It was in that moment where you had to restrain yourself from saying every cuss word imaginable. The only thing stopping you was the fact you could end up on the streets, homeless. The daggers that you were staring at the back of the young man's head lingered, only pausing when his Mother interrupted.

Gloria Mott quickly spoke, she was evidently scared that you'd anger her beloved Dandy, "What did you say your name was again, dear?"

"I didn't. Y/n Tattler,"

"Well, Y/n, I'm sure you and Dandy are going to have plenty of fun in his playroom,"

Raising your eyebrows, you were lucky Gloria couldn't see your face. All these thoughts raced through your head. The only type of playroom a man his age would have is one constructed of sexual fantasies. Where the hell were you going?

The rest of the trip was short, but nothing sweet. Dandy's constant complaints stopped you from falling asleep. He was particularly fond of two sentences. One being, "I'm bored," and the other being, "Are we there yet?"

You were surprised at how much he sounded like an annoying brat. The urge to slam your head against the back of the seat in front of you was massive.

When you finally pulled up into the driveway, you noticed the magnificent house before you. A fountain rested in the centre of the driveway, water trickling down the surface. Before the door, a bush was carefully placed on either side. A touch of greenery to accompany the prestigious building. Four beautiful white pillars stood tall, above the doorway, holding the second floor up. The house was bigger than any house you'd ever seen. This family must've been extremely rich.

"Hurry up peasant. God, don't you have any use at all?" Dandy complained as you struggled to open the car door.

You'd only been in a car around once or twice before, the whole concept of them was still so crazy and bizarre to you. When he could see you struggling, he rolled his eyes and opened it.

You didn't bother saying thanks, figuring that his ego was already too big from his Mother spoon-feeding him words of kindness throughout the entire journey.

His mother was already inside, so you grudgingly followed him. As soon as you entered the foyer, a woman greeted you.

"My name's Dora, I'm the maid around here. If you need anything, just say the word," She gave you a warm smile, before looking at the man behind you with an annoyed look on her face.

Before you could respond, Dandy beckoned for you to keep following him, "Yeah, that's enough Dora. Keep following me, y/n, maybe I can find out if there's anything interesting about you,"

bored ‖ dandy mottWhere stories live. Discover now