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"Fuck off you perverted grandpa,"

Managing to create some space between you and the man, you took the knife and successfully slashed his arms, causing him to stagger back wincing.

"Do you get off on harassing young girls?" You walked up to him, towering him in height, "You freaky little son of a bitch would enjoy it too much if I took my time with this. So how about we make your death nice and short?"

The man saw the new profound emotion in your eyes, and as he walked backwards, he tripped. Attempting to take hold of a wheelie bin for balance, it toppled over, taking him with it.

You knelt down to his level and held the knife up against his throat, "How would you like to die? Throat, or..."

You trailed the knife down to his chest, "Maybe your heart?"

He opened his mouth to try and scramble out a few words, but you quickly hushed him.

"Throat it is then," You held the knife up above your head, then thrust it into his throat causing blood to squirt out.

The man gasped out to try and have his last dying breath but instead felt his eyes begin to give up on him.

Blood covered your shirt, and you mentally groaned to yourself. This was a lot messier than you anticipated.

You heard footsteps coming from behind you and you quickly turned around.

Dandy's eyes moved from the man's body, to your face, then to you clutching the knife and your bloody shirt.

"You leave for two seconds and now you have blood all over your hands," His expression turned into a grin, "Now what's that old man doing down there?"

"I know you take a sickly pleasure from watching death and suffering but this was all honestly self-defence,"

"Self-defence? My, my, your reasons after you've killed a man get more and more utterly provocative. Just admit that you enjoy it, that you enjoy the thrill of killing just as much as I do," He walked towards you, gracefully taking the knife from your hand, and only stopping until he stood inches from your face.

He trailed the cool blade against your jaw, gravelly whispering into your ear, "Why are you so scared of yourself, Y/n?"

"I'm not scared of who I am now," The sound of your short uneasy breaths filled the quiet ally, "I'm scared of who I'll end up being if I stay with you,"

"You don't have to worry about that. With me you're yourself. Your truest potential,"

You looked down at your bloody shirt and frowned, "Please can we just go back to the car,"

"Of course," He took off the green jacket he'd been wearing and draped it over your back.

You didn't have to thank him with words, instead, you nodded your head. Hugging the jacket closer to your body, he took you out of the alley and finally back to the car. Even opening the door for you before you took the passenger seat.

You sighed, resting your head against the seat.

Dandy started the car and looked over to you, "Why the long face?"

"The old guy. I didn't get rid of his body, what if the police get suspicious?"

"Old people die all the time. They won't care,"

You stopped for a second. Evaluating the situation that only happened a few minutes prior. You were nothing like Dandy Mott, even if he thought that the two of you had a lot in common.

"Don't get any wrong ideas," You quickly said, "I kill people because they do bad things. You kill people because it's fun,"

"Everyone's done a bad thing in their life. Just now, you forgot to put your seatbelt on," He grinned, "All I'm doing is fulfilling my purpose, our purpose! The purpose you choose to ignore. Don't you see, we've been put here to bring death!"

Ignoring his little heartfelt speech, you fastened your seatbelt while rolling your eyes.

The two of you drove down the highway in silence.

You tried to turn the radio on and to your surprise, failed. Dandy snickered at this and took it into his own hands, methodically turning some buttons, causing it to play static.

Finally, it started to play the local news.

"More and more disappearances have been piling up around the area. One of these disappearances was of a young boy named Corey Bachman. He was saved from his captor and taken back to his closest relative, his grandmother's house, just under two weeks ago. We are yet to update with more information,"

You bit your lip and looked out of the window, silently praying that he wouldn't connect any dots.

"That's it," Dandy said, "The clown was looking for someone else that escaped, that must've been him. Tell me, did you see him?"

Covering your face with the sleeve of your jacket, you continued to look out of the window, "Nope,"

Your acting skills were bad so hopefully not making eye contact wouldn't draw suspicion.

Surprisingly enough, Dandy didn't really pry for more answers.

All he did was mutter under his breath, "If I find out your lying, it won't be very fun for either of us,"

"What are you gonna do? Try to kill me again?" You turned your head to look at him, "Cause from what I remember it didn't really work out the first time,"

He turned to make eye contact with you; his gaze became wary, and he spoke unnervingly slow, "I can do a lot more than that. A man with money is a man with power. Power you can't even comprehend. I can have you on the cover of every wanted poster in the country with the snap of my fingers,"

You scoffed at that, deciding to stay silent for the rest of the journey. He wasn't wrong. The man had more power than you had even really witnessed yet.

As you finally pulled into Mott Manor, there was a cold presence in the air. And sure enough, your eyes glanced over the drive to notice an unfamiliar car.

Dandy shot you a peculiar look as the two of you walked over towards the door, slipping inside of the house.

Two men were stood in the foyer wearing suits. Gloria Mott came out from the living room, "Y/n, Dandy, so glad you both are back, I was starting to get worried. We've got some visitors,"

Dandy stood there thinking the police were there for him. Probably thinking the police knew about the clown. He kept a calm composure. It was shattered when he heard the next words which were muttered from one of the men's mouths,

"Y/n Smith? I'm Detective Johnson and this is my partner Detective Miller. We're here about the disappearance of Corey Bachman,"

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