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//tw sexual assault

Maybe looking back it was a bad idea to tell Dandy Mott about one of the lowest points of your life. But at least you hadn't killed a girl for simply being annoying. Both of you now had something to use against each other.

So you had been the one who killed your father all those years ago, but not by choice. It was self-defence. You struck him down with his own knife only after he beat your Mother to a pulp. Afterwards, she felt so out of sorts that she sent you to the orphanage.

But now a few days had passed and you were recovering from the night where you found out the rich man-child had an extreme and troubling taste for murder. Recovering for you meant being in the garden yet again. 

One morning, Dandy Mott came up to you and made an announcement. Today was the day that the two of you'd announce that you're dating to his Mother. You dreaded this but agreed, nonetheless. Anything to go back home. 

The three of you were sat at a picnic table with a parasol shielding you from the warm sun.

"So Mother, there's something me and Y/n have been hiding from you for a while," Dandy beamed, suddenly placing his hand on your idle one which was resting on the table, "We're together,"

Gloria looked astounded and then she also broke out into a smile, "I knew it. Oh, Dandy, I was beginning to lose hope. It's such a spectacular thing that you've found yourself a girlfriend,"

Feeling Dandy's grasp on your hand tighten, you slightly forced out a chuckle, "Yeah. Dandy's actually really wonderful, you raised an amazing son, Mrs. Mott,"

Your mind went back to the girl he'd killed a few nights prior and the metallic smell that you'd become so accustomed to. Maybe every word coming out of your mouth was a lie, but with your bad acting skills, you had to make it as believable as possible.

"You two should get out, go for an outing, out of this place," She suggested, getting excited at all the new possibilities that the two young adults had opened.

"That's a wonderful idea Mother," The familiar sickly smirk appeared on Dandy's face as he got up from the chair and tugged your arm to follow him.

He took you out of his Mother's sight and against a wall, located near the back of the house. When your back was pressed against it, he finally let go of your hand. 

You rubbed at your wrist and were slightly surprised at the young man's grip.

"So Mother's idea, your thoughts?"

"Great. Going on a date will make it more believable,"

"So you've finally agreed to visit the bus?" He grinned from ear to ear, causing his pearly white teeth to almost look comical, "I knew you'd come around,"

"In what messed up world did I say that? No, we're going out and finding a nice restaurant,"

He scoffed, rolling his eyes, "Are you trying to kill me from boredom?"

"No, but your little escape to your boyfriend's bus sounds like I'd be third-wheeling. And besides, I'm tired of all the pearls and gowns from Mott Manor. We're going to go and interact with some normal people,"

You paused, thinking about what you had just said, "Okay, maybe there's not really a 'normal' but anyone who isn't a killer clown is ideal,"

After you assured Dandy Mott a gazillion times that it wouldn't be boring, the two of you finally came to an agreement. If the dinner would get boring at any point in time then they'd go to the clown's bus. You just hoped you'd entertain the man enough for him not to get bored.

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