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Dealing with Dandy Mott wasn't your favourite thing to do. After all, he was a pain in the ass. 

A week had passed, and it was now the start of October. A month full of humid weather and the middle of autumn. 

You hadn't been spending as much time with Dandy as he was usually out of the house doing god knows what. Instead, you helped around the house. At the back of your head, you knew that Gloria didn't really know what to do with you. She bought you from the freakshow to cure her son's boredom though he seemed too preoccupied with something else at the moment to even acknowledge your existence. 

Gardening had become your new passion. Tending to the vast field around Mott Manor was pretty therapeutic. You even managed to plant a few flowers every now and then. Dora was definitely thankful that someone else was helping her out. You'd take the front garden and the driveway while Dora would tend to the back. The two of you had grown close over the week, constantly making sly jokes about the younger Mott. You even had an inside joke or two.

One day, you and Gloria Mott were out in the garden. She was showing you what she wanted in the garden, which flowers she wanted where, and which herbs were her favourite. 

The woman wore a beautiful mint-coloured dress. It came with a light sun hat which covered her blonde curls comfortably.

You could wear an outfit as gorgeous as hers if you wanted to as Gloria had given you an entire wardrobe full of her old dresses. Though, you didn't really have an opportunity to wear any of them. Doing the garden work usually just consisted of you wearing tattered jeans and a washed-out t-shirt. 

You figured she'd start to make some small talk but instead, she said something completely unexpected, "Are you and my son together?"

Not believing your ears, you looked at her with widened eyes. You? With Dandy? You thought to yourself. Not a chance in the world. The guy wasn't that bad to look at but he was a whiny brat.

You crossed your arms defensively, "Of course not. I've hardly spoken to him all week,"

"Are you sure? He looked awfully entertained by you, I think you're doing good for him,"

Before you could reply, Gloria's attention turned elsewhere. 

Her face lit up as soon as she saw the man walking towards us, "Dandy! You've decided to say hello,"

"Shut up, Mother," He rolled his eyes and walked right past the two of you.

His Mother quickly beckoned for him to come over and he finally complied, "Dandy, there's a girl coming over for dinner tonight! I really think you'll like her,"

Your head perked up at what she said. A girl was coming over?

"A girl?!" He practically could've spat on the ground by the amount of distaste on his face, "I've told you Mother, all the girls you bring over for dinner are cows,"

"This one's different Dandy, I can feel it,"

"You always say that Mother!" He grunted, crossing his arms, "I'm not going,"

"Come on Dandy. I promise it'll be the last one! You'll enjoy it,"

His head tilted when he was told it could be the last one. Furrowing his eyebrows, he turned on his heel and walked away. Every step he made was full of anger and precision.

When he was finally out of sight, Gloria let out a sigh, "I should go after him, oh, poor Dandy. I wonder if he'll ever settle down with a girl, grandbabies would be splendid,"

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