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"That bitch Val is really getting on my nerves. I think you're better off going out with your psycho ex-boyfriend Twisty; he didn't cling to your shoulder 24/7 and threaten to kill me," 

As soon as your eyes floated over to the man, your mouth hung open. His once pale shirt was now as crimson as the ripe cherries from the garden.

"You don't have to worry about her anymore," He smiled, looking over at your red dress, then back at the liquid his hands were covered in, "Oh, look. She matches your dress,"

Scoffing, you simply stared at him in shock. You didn't know he was capable of doing something as sinister as this. 

"You killed her," You stated.

Lifting an eyebrow, he looked at you as if it was obvious. He ruffled his dark hair, causing it to mess up and stick in different directions.

"Sit down, Y/n," He quickly moved to sit with his legs crossed, his wide grin made him look like a maniac, "I have so much to tell you,"

"You can't just expect me to listen to what you've got to say when you're covered in the blood of a girl who I had only just seen minutes ago,"

"Details, details," He rolled his eyes, "She was boring, it's Mother's fault. She always brings annoying cows here. It's turning into a farm,"

You put a hand on your hip, staring at him in astonishment, "And are you going to kill me too?" 

"No, of course not," He shuffled closer, desperately motioning for you to sit next to him, "Over this past week I've been doing some thinking, Y/n, and you're too interesting to kill. I won't kill you yet,"

"Thanks," You muttered but it came out as more of a question, you slowly took a seat next to the bloody man.

You were weary as you were unarmed. He was also absent of a knife but judging from the state he was in, you wouldn't be surprised if he had a secret weapon up his sleeve.

"So what next? Where did you even hide her body?"

He looked at you with wide eyes, if his grin could get any bigger then it did, "I've made an accomplice, Mr. Clown! He's digging the grave right now. It's the most thrill I've ever had. He has a bus and I help him,"

You deadpanned him, "Are you serious? The clown?"

You were met with silence, but he suddenly took to his feet, "Murder's the only thing that doesn't bore me!"

"Your clown friend hurts innocent people, innocent kids,"

"Now how would you kn-..." He wandered off in his thoughts but then quickly came back onto planet earth, "You know about his bus,"

Quickly covering up last week's antics, you let out an awkward cough, "No, I don't know about any bus. It's just when you say 'He has a bus and I help him' my mind can only wander to so many places, maybe even fruity ones,"

Giving you a glare, he sat back down in a humph, "It doesn't matter, just tell me you'll come with me,"

"No, I don't want any part in that,"

"You're acting like you have a choice," He yawned, quite tired of the conversation.

The two of you sat there in silence. 

Dandy Mott was probably reflecting in the revel of killing he felt only minutes prior. While you were thinking about your old life. Living with a killer wasn't like a cup of tea, but neither was living at the freakshow. At least over there you had your sisters and your friends. Being called crazy and a freak was worth it if it meant having people you could count on.

The eerie silence suddenly fell when the young man turned to look at you right in the eyes.

"You're a girl,"

"Good observation. Took you long enough to realise,"

"If we pretend to be together then Mother will finally get off my back and stop inviting all of those boring girls to dinner,"

Raising an eyebrow, you finally rolled your eyes and stood up from the couch, "If you seriously think I'm even gonna think about dating you, then you're wrong rich boy. I'm dumb but I'm not stupid,"

"Fine! I could maybe eventually take you back to the Freakshow," He hmphed, "But don't expect anything else. If you don't play by the rules then I can easily keep you here,"

A smirk crossed your lips as you sat back down, "You know, now this fake dating thing seems a lot more tolerable,"

This wasn't the worst idea. It might've even been the best thing to ever come out of the young Mott's mouth. But the thought of dating Dandy made your stomach churn. At least you could go back home.

"If Mother's going to believe us then we need to know things about each other, boring stuff,"

"Fine. What's your favourite colour?"

"Blue," He scoffed, "Ask something more interesting,"

"You asked for boring," You yawned, glaring at him, "How about your favourite drink?"

He replied immediately and without hesitation, "Cognac. Now it's my turn to ask the questions," 

"Shoot, rich boy,"

"How come you look nothing like Bette and Dot? Aren't you supposed to be sisters?"

"Are you gonna ask me why I don't have two heads next?" Shrugging your shoulders, a small smirk appeared on your face, "I'm adopted,"

He looked thoroughly intrigued, "What about your old family?"

You stayed silent, wishing he'd change the subject. But this only made him probe with more questions.

"What brings you the most joy in the world?"

This question thing was proving to be pretty hard. You scratched your head.

"I don't really know," You simply said, "What about you?"

"Boring. Murder, obviously," 

"I'm not Einstein and you can't go out and kill everyone who annoys you," You said, tilting your head as you looked right into his bright blue eyes, "The world doesn't work like that,"

Dandy frowned, and stood up from the couch, "You don't understand. I'm supposed to be a thespian,. Life is supposed to be exciting. It's not supposed to be boring all the time."

He cleared his throat, "Killing is the best thing on this planet, it's a thrill. Tell me, Y/n, have you ever killed anyone?"

You stopped in your tracks while the young man took a step closer. He crouched to meet your eyes, his bloody hand held your jaw, it was cold to the touch,

"We're together now. And couples aren't supposed to keep secrets. Tell me everything."

The newfound smirk on his face only told you so much. Killing was Dandy Mott's only joy in the world. And he revelled in the fact that he could possibly share the joy with someone else.

The horrid truth that the person could be you haunted the back of your mind. 

You only hoped that you were wrong. Since how could you relate to a killer as cold-blooded as him?

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