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"Hurry up. We're never going to catch up to him if you're being this slow," 

"Since when were you some track star," You groaned, trying to catch up with the man, as he zoomed in and out from the trees. The pain from your bare feet hitting against the forest floor only caused you to run even slower. 

Of course, you were wearing shoes, if you weren't then Dandy probably would've insulted you into oblivion. Though, the only shoes you owned were a pair of leather ones you had for years. They were torn apart, it was only a matter of days before they'd turn to shreds.

"Slow down, are you trying to kill me?" You complained, panting as you both came to a halt. Before you could speak, he put a finger up to your lips.

He hooked his arm around your waist, and before you could swat him away, he sat you down behind a nearby bush. Staring you down, almost in a threatening matter, he decided to boss you around, "Stay here, don't you dare move,"

Knitting your eyebrows, you decided to be as snarky as possible, "And what if I do?"

He groaned out of frustration, crouching down to your level, he placed a hand on the tree you were sat against. t trapped the distance between the two of you, and caused you to be extremely close, "Then I'll kill you, and I won't mess up like the last time,"

Cute, you thought, as you watched the man walk away. Sure, being in a bush in the middle of the night while it was pitch dark wasn't very calming but the knife you had on you certainly helped. Taking it out, you decided to take a look at it. He definitely got it out of the kitchen drawer. It was the kind you'd use to cut meat, sharp and precise. Poor Dora, she was probably wondering where it was. 

You heard a rustle nearby, probably an animal moving around in the bushes. Without any second thoughts, you stood up, looking for the source of the noise. Suddenly, a young boy hurtled towards you, running at full speed. He looked panic-stricken as if something was chasing him.

His voice was shaky as he tried to form words. 

You quickly picked him up. If he was in danger, no time could be wasted. Holding him close, you returned to your hiding spot.

When the two of you started to hear the sound of tree branches snapping, and leaves rustling, your hand flew to the boy's mouth. It muffled the upcoming squeal that would've given away your hiding spot.

You peeked out from behind the bush. It was the clown. You should've known that Dandy would be into creeps. 

It felt like an endless waiting game. You stared down at the poor boy that was sat clutched to your chest. He looked no older than seven and was already a victim of intense trauma. Wearing old tattered pyjamas, he looked helpless. He was as light as a feather and looked as weak as a kitten. It almost felt like he was going to faint at any moment. 

When the clown had finally gone out of sight, and it had been a few minutes, you released your hand from the boy's mouth. He gasped, quickly taking in short quick breaths. 

"It's okay, you're okay," You assured him, "You're safe now,"

You swiftly put him on your back, it'd be easier that way instead of dragging his frail body out of the woods. 

As soon as you made it onto the side of the highway, a realisation hit you. What the hell were you going to do with this kid?

You couldn't just leave him there but if you took him back to Mott Manor, he wouldn't really be welcome. Dandy would also scold you for getting out of the bush and you didn't really want to embarrass him when he'd fail to kill you for the second time.

"Do you know where your parents are?"

He slowly shook his head, his voice was shaking with fear, "I think he killed them," 

Staying calm, you kept walking while he clung tightly to your shoulders, "I'm so sorry. What about any other relatives? There has to be someone,"

The young boy peered over your shoulder, staring at the sign down the road which read 'Jupiter, Florida' and he nodded, "My Grandma lives there,"

You could've waited for a police car to drive by but you chose not to. Maybe it was because your sisters were murder suspects, or because the boy said it'd be a short walk. 

"What's your name?" You asked, staring out ahead, you noticed how the sky had begun to get lighter.


"Well, it's nice to meet you Corey. I'm Y/n," Grinning, you started to pick up the pace.

You were surprised that the kid was so good at giving directions.

Though, as time ticked by, you began to worry. Would Dandy be pissed? He probably wouldn't really care, it's not like you were important to him. He was just using you as a fun way to pass the time. As an asset to make him feel less lonely. Shaking your head, you quickly disbanded the thoughts and focused on the path ahead.

A row of houses came into the distance and the boy pointed to the closest one, "That's it,"

It was highly convenient she lived so nearby.  

As soon as you knocked on the door, a question hit you. What were you supposed to tell this woman? "Sorry, here's your grandson I found in the woods running away from a killer clown? Oh, why was I in the woods? I was just going for a walk in the middle of the night with a psycho man-child with anger issues like any other normal person," 

The door opened to reveal a woman in her eighties, she was hunched over. Her fuzzy white hair stuck up in every direction, while her glasses were slightly falling off of her nose. She peered over the oval specs, trying to make sense of what was before her.

As soon as she saw the young boy, her eyebrows raised, and she pulled him into a tight hug, "Oh, Corey! My poor Corey, you're alive, you're okay,"

Silently standing beside the door, a small smile made its way on your face. You could see the relief in the older woman's face. 

After a while, she suddenly looked up at you, "And who are you? Where did you find my grandson?"

"I found him in the woods," You held out your hand, "I'm Y/n Tattler, I'm so sorry to hear about his parents,"

"Come in, my dear," She took your hand, but instead of shaking it, she lead you inside, "It's been a while since anyone's came over for a drink,"

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