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It was difficult getting to sleep that night. Thoughts raced through your head. Thoughts that you disagreed with quite quickly. You came to the conclusion that you could never love Dandy Mott, and if you did, well then you were just as crazy as he was.

When you finally managed to capture some hours of shut-eye, you ended up oversleeping. The only thing that woke you was a loud knock on your door.

"Come in!" You groaned, turning over so you were facing the door. You were completely covered in your blanket. After all, it was starting to get quite cold.

"Y/n, love, did you have a rough time last night or would you like me to leave you in bed? I was getting worried about you. Thinking maybe that brat did something," Dora was obviously referring to Dandy.

She stood holding a tray, most likely she'd just come from Gloria's room. By the expression on her face, she looked genuinely worried about you.

You assured her everything was fine, "I'm fine Dora, I just spent too much time reading the magazines you got me,"

"I'm glad you've liked them," Dora's gaze landed on the stack that was laid in a pile in the corner of your room, and a soft smile landed on her face.

Sure, due to how you grew up, you weren't the best reader. Dora, however, vowed to help you with this after she found you struggling to read the label on a packet of flower seeds. She always got you a magazine whenever she could which caused you to start having a little collection of your own. Even if the words were hard to read, the pictures always helped.

"Things have been a little less horrible since you've shown up. Even if I still can't wrap my head around why you're dating that pain in the ass,"

For a minute you paused and wondered who she was talking about. You weren't dating anyone. Your face heated up, but you realised she was talking about the fake dating thing. But obviously, Dora didn't think it was fake.

Nervously laughing, you shrugged your shoulders, "I don't know why either, Dora,"

"Be careful with him, I don't want you getting hurt,"

"Thanks Dora, I appreciate it, but I'll be fine. As fine as I can be when I'm with Dandy Mott," You mumbled the last part, and finally got up from bed.

Dora was about to leave, quickly peeking her head back through the door to say her goodbyes, "I'll leave you to it, also, before I leave; yesterday I completely got the garden into shape. Have the day off. I'm sure Miss. Gloria won't mind,"

"Are you sure?" You grinned, "Thank you so much, if you need anything, you know where I'll be,"

There wasn't really any other place you could be other than by Dandy's side or somewhere in Mott Manor.

You got changed into comfortable clothes. If you were gonna have a day off you weren't going to spend it running around in one of Gloria's old extravagant dresses from the '20s.

Taking one last moment to remember last night's events, you took a deep breath before opening the door. Every step you took was a stride with confidence. Dandy Mott had tried to kiss you last night, you continuously repeated to yourself. Why the hell did he do that?

And the way you felt during it... No, that was wrong. The last time you felt anything like that was when you were with Jimmy. That's it, you thought to yourself, if you see Jimmy again maybe it'd help. Maybe you'd stop thinking about Dandy.

But how the hell were you going to get Dandy to allow you to go to the freakshow? 

Dandy was sat in his playroom, staring deep into the mirror. He looked like he was practising doing different kinds of faces. Sad, happy, moody.

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