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Yawning, you flicked through the newest edition of your favourite magazine. 'Life' was your favourite for a variety of different reasons. The most important being the beautiful photography throughout every page.

Dora hummed a song under her breath.

"What's that tune?"

"It's what I used to sing to Regina when she was a baby, oh I miss her,"

Regina was Dora's only daughter. She always spoke about her dearly. You admired Dora, she was an amazing mother. She almost felt like yours sometimes.

"Where is Regina anyways? Is she still a student at the Barbican?"

She nodded, "Almost graduating too. My baby's gonna get a job at a law firm,"

Smiling, you looked back down at the magazine. You skimmed over it, taking in a few words, and briefly understanding the text. 

"Are you still dating that brat?"

You nodded, slightly sighing, "Sure am, tell me, has he always had two different moods? One night he's trying to kiss me, then the next he acts like I'm just an audience member to the 'Dandy Mott Extravaganza'"

She laughed, "Ever since he was a kid he's been a pain in the ass. Once he held Regina captive until she listened to him recite the whole script of some crappy musical,"

You raised your eyebrows, trying not to laugh, "Dandy sure is something,"

The happy atmosphere quickly came to a halt when Dandy Mott walked through the door. 

"What's so funny?" He said, eyeing down the two of you.

Raising a hand to cover the massive smirk on your face, you muffled a quick 'nothing'.

Dora now had an irritated expression on her face, "I'll be in the kitchen, Y/n. You're free to join me,"

She kept her eyes on Dandy until she left the room.

He trudged over to you and took a seat. 

The man hmphed, looking over at what you were reading, "A magazine? You can't even read a menu how are you going to read a 50-page book with word after word of text?"

Rolling your eyes, you moved it away from him, "Dora's helping me,"

"I'm so bored," His head drooped down and he lay with all his weight slumped down on the couch.

"Well find something to do then,"

"There's nothing to do, everything in this house is boring," He frowned, staring directly at the grandfather clock on the opposite side of the room. Its ticks filled the silence.

"Have you and Twisty gotten to third base yet?"

"I am so close to killing you, Y/n," His fist clenched and he looked directly at you now.

"Oh my god, please calm down, you look like you're about to fail at killing someone. Now how about this?" You said, showing him the page of the magazine you were reading.

"Bucket list? We can't do that. Mother threw out all of the buckets because she said they reminded her of Father's death and her life of being a single mother,"

"Well that's interesting," You quirked an eyebrow, "Luckily enough for you, there are no buckets involved. A bucket list is pretty much a number of experiences and achievements that someone wants to accomplish during a certain amount of time," 

"So how will this make me less bored?"

"How about this; we each put down three things we'd like to accomplish, in let's say, three months. Each month we have to accomplish at least one thing,"

"Three months? Isn't that an excruciatingly long time? It sounds boring,"

You took a pen out from your pocket and started writing on a blank page of the magazine. 

"Okay, Dandy, what are the three things you want most in the world?"

He grinned, "I want to be a thespian, obviously,"

"You can accomplish that in three months?" You didn't wait for an answer, instead you quickly scribbled it down, "Okay, what else?"

"I will be the U.S Steel of murder," He suddenly looked really interested in the bucket list idea and was leaning over to make sure you were jotting down everything he was saying.

"Great," You sarcastically smiled, "Sounds fun. What about 'I want to learn how to tie my laces'? Maybe you'll stop ordering Dora to do it,"

Ignoring your comment, he looked into the distance, as if he was doing some deep inner monologue. He finally spoke, "I am going to have the best Halloween ever, and Mother won't stop me,"

"Dandy, you know there's a curfew, right?"

He looked at you as if you were stupid, "Curfews are for the poor people, why on earth would I listen to their stupid rules?"

You sighed, causing Dandy to take the sheet of paper out of your hands and take the pen. He uncapped it and prepped himself to write.

"So, I'm curious, what are you going to write down?"

You never really thought about this. You smiled softly, thinking of all the possibilities. Your dreams weren't as big as Dandy's, but they sure as hell meant a lot to you.

"I really wanna learn how to drive,"

"It's easy. You just step on the pedal,"

"I swear you don't even have a license," You scoffed, "Yeah, so I'd like to learn how to drive. I'd also like... maybe an exhilarating moment, I want some action in my life,"

"Well, that's very broad,"

"Yeah, whatever. In the moment I'll know I'll be able to tick that box off. My last thing to do... finally go back to the freakshow,"

"How boring," He rolled his eyes, "Well you'll be back at the freakshow when I'm in charge. You can help me rehearse every rendition and hear my exceptional vocals," 

"Wow, I really can't wait. You've got me so excited just thinking about it," You said, dryly.

"What should our first venture from the bucket list be?"

Taking a coin out from your pocket, you held it in your palm, "Heads then we do something from my list, tails it's yours,"

He nodded, and you flipped the coin in your palm. It landed and you turned it over to reveal heads.

Dandy raised an eyebrow, "Why does a stupid coin dictate what we do? We should just go and accomplish my dreams of becoming a thespian,"

"Yeah, your dreams are a bit big. How about I learn to drive?"

He groaned, "You're lucky that today I'm feeling like doing an act of kindness,"

The two of you went out to the driveway, the cool air instantly hitting your face. The birds chirped as you walked towards where his car was.

You were about to get in but Dandy's harsh voice stopped you, "You can't possibly think that I'd let you destroy my car. It's far too expensive for the likes of you. Besides, its got enough scratches from your failed attempts at opening the car door. We're taking Mother's,"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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