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"Come in, my dear," She took your hand, but instead of shaking it, she lead you inside, "It's been a while since anyone's came over for a drink,"

As Corey went to wash up, you and his grandmother were sat at the table. She'd whipped up a cup of your F/d, as a thank you for helping her grandson.

"I can't help but be curious as to why you were in the woods at such an hour,"

Lightly chuckling, you shook your head, "I'd be asking the same question if I were you. My friend got lost so I went out looking for him,"

You were so thankful that Dandy wasn't in the room. Calling him your friend would definitely boost his ego.

She immediately looked panicked, "Is he okay? Oh, where is he now?"

You quickly assured her that he was fine and made his way home. The two of you had small talk, with her constantly thanking you for saving her son. 

You suddenly saw that sunlight was peeking through the curtains, and only two words made their way to the top of your head. Oh, shit.

"I'm sorry but I really have to get going, Mrs. Bachman,"

"Oh, of course, dear. I hadn't even realised we'd been talking for this long. Do you mind if you write down your details if the police need to ask any questions?"

Shaking your head, concealing a sigh, you smiled and took the pen from her hand. You quickly scribbled down your name and that you were staying at Mott Manor. The police probably wouldn't take this that seriously, you thought to yourself, these days they didn't do much.

Giving the young boy a warm hug, you smiled, "I'm happy you're safe Corey,"

He was quiet but suddenly spoke, "There was another girl. You have to save her,"

Raising an eyebrow, you understood what he meant. There was another victim of the clown. Someone else you'd have to save. You couldn't make any promises to him. It wasn't like you could save every single person that was ever in danger.

As soon as you got outside, the cold morning air hit you like a breeze. You practically ran back to Mott Manor, your feet smacked against the grass. Sweat trickled down your forehead, while your eyes felt as though they were about to close. 

Your foot got caught under a branch, causing you to get launched a few feet ahead. Groaning, you curled up into a ball. The jeans you had once been wearing were torn up, blood was oozing out from your right leg. You held your cheek, feeling a throbbing pain.

You decided to attempt to suck it up. One way or another you had to get out of this forest. After all, Dandy's one night stand could kill you at any moment.

As you limped towards Mott Manor you thought about all your life choices leading up to this moment. How could so much stuff have happened in one day? Yesterday, you were still at the freakshow. Today, you trudged back to the man-child who had tried to kill you with a kitchen knife. 

Noticing the door from the back garden was open, it was a swift journey inside. As soon as you stepped foot in the Manor, your entire body fell to the ground. You felt limp, unable to move. Partially from exhaustion, and another part because of the injuries you faced on your little adventure. 

You felt someone watching you, causing you to tilt your head to face the ceiling. Your vision was starting to blur but you could still figure out who the man standing above you was.

He looked surprised to see you, almost relieved, "You look terrible,"

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