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"Y/n Smith? I'm Detective Johnson and this is my partner Detective Miller. We're here about the disappearance of Corey Bachman," 

You gave Dandy a look. Maybe you were concerned about what was going to happen next. Or maybe you wanted him to take the hint and not reveal that you were using a fake name. Y/n Tattler definitely wouldn't go down well with the police. Not if you didn't want to get your sisters arrested.

The detectives took you to the living room, and the three of you sat down. Dandy was stood in the doorway, with his hands on his hips, as if he was oozing with confidence.

You rolled your eyes at this, sitting upright, and feeling your heart race. You weren't nervous about the whole Corey case, no, you were nervous about the angry man-child and what he'd do after this encounter with the police. This definitely decreased your chances of permanently going back to the freak show.

Gloria Mott had gone to help Dora with some secret project. It sounded a bit sketchy to you, especially as they wouldn't let you know anything about it. This proved to be amazing as it was much quieter without Dandy yelling at his mother.

"Where did you find Corey Bachman on that night?" Detective Johnson asked, quirking an eyebrow

You found yourself to be looking at Dandy who was shooting daggers right at you.

"I actually found him in the woods. It's not too far away from here,"

"The woods are a big place, Ms. Smith. Is there anywhere specific?"

You shook your head, "I'm not too sure, but to be fair, I did fall over a couple of times,"

"And what were you doing in the woods during the middle of the night?"

"Ah, very good question," You tapped your foot against the floor, instantly spluttering out a series of words that you didn't even have time to process, which hardly made any sense, "Berry picking- Picking of berries- In the woods?"

Dandy quickly wandered over and took a seat next to you, putting his arm around your shoulder and pulling you close, "What my lovely girlfriend means is that we were doing some charity work by observing the area. Some berry bushes would look lovely. This state has seen better days, and we love doing work for our community, don't we?"

Giving them a hesitant nod, you desperately attempted not to scowl at his pathetic attempt of a save. Though, to your surprise, it worked.

"How thoughtful of you, Mr. Mott," The other detective, Miller, chimed, "Your family's a very respected one, Jupiter's wealthiest even,"

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. These detectives really believed that you were doing community service in the middle of the night in the same woods that a boy got kidnapped in. 

"Oh, Detective Miller, you are simply too kind," He smiled, "It's such a vile thing that all those poor children have been disappearing, if there's anything we can do, I'm just a phone call away,"

"We very much appreciate it," Miller turned to face you, "Thank you for all the help, you should be extremely proud of saving Corey. You truly are a hero,"

"I wouldn't say I'm a hero," You chuckled lightly, leaning away from Dandy's hold, "I'd just say I was in the right place at the right time," 

"If you have any more information then please just call us," The other detective handed you his business card and they made their way out.

As soon as the two men left, silence fell over Mott Manor. Well, it was silence until you heard Dandy's leather shoes slapping against the marble floor.

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