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"I'm joining the freakshow!"

Raising an eyebrow, you were slightly confused but you didn't expect any less from Dandy Mott, "You could literally buy ten freakshow's, rich boy, no way are you joining,"

He sighed, "You're just like Mother, you don't understand. You don't know what it's like to be different,"

"And you do, Momma's boy," You rolled your eyes, while your words were full of sarcasm.

His hand slammed against the steering wheel, "Shut up before I make you,"

You didn't know where that was going but you shut up nonetheless. Staring out the window, you took a moment to embrace the countryside. Nature was one of the world's finest things, you loved to see the flowers that adorned the bright green fields. And the cloudless sky which was painted light blue.

The thought of you seeing your sister's again, even for one moment, was comforting. Seeing Jimmy was sure to make you feel better, you thought to yourself. This was your first day with Dandy and you could already feel your will to live slowly slipping away.

The freakshow eventually came into sight, you tried to conceal the grin that was about to creep up onto your face. You didn't know how much you missed the tall striped tents, even though the last time you'd seen them was only a couple of hours prior.

Dandy parked his car at the front and then turned to you, "Don't you dare move, Y/n. You might be boring but I'll find a use for you eventually,"

All your hopes of seeing your old friends faded, you huffed and sat with your arms crossed, "Don't come crying to me when your desperate plea to join the freakshow gets rejected,"

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked directly at you. You couldn't tell what he was going to do but you were thankful he locked the door and left into the huge circus tent.

Sitting in the passenger seat was quite boring. The car didn't have a roof so it was pretty pointless that Dandy locked it since you could easily climb out. Climbing out of the car was really tempting but you had no idea where everyone was so it would only end up in failure. You started humming under your breath as your eyes looked around.

In the distance, you saw Eve. You started yelling, as quiet as you could, but loud enough for her to hear, "Eve! Over here!"

Her head instantly perked up and she saw where you were. Rushing over, she looked amazed to see you, "Y/n, how the hell are you here? I heard you got bought by some rich person,"

"Yeah, well you heard right. Good ole Dandy's taken me for a spin in his car, he's in there trying to get an act in the freakshow," You pointed over at the tent and the two of you started laughing.

"I feel so bad. The show isn't the same without you," Eve said, "We'll find a way to bring you back,"

"I appreciate it, thanks Eve,"

You saw the door of the tent flap open and frantically told Eve to go away and hide. You were as right as ever when Dandy Mott stormed out of the tent. He didn't even bother unlocking the door, instead, he hopped over into the front seat.

You didn't bother looking at him as you didn't want to contribute to his temper tantrum by angering him. Yes, maybe you weren't the biggest fan of him but you did care about his wellbeing. You weren't scared for your own safety since what could someone as bratty and childish as him do?

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" He said, slamming his head against the wheel between every three words.

You noticed blood starting to trickle down his forehead, and quickly offered your help, "I know you're upset but I don't think taking it out on your car's the best solution,"

You suddenly noticed something else in his eyes, a certain hunger. Pulling something out of the pocket of his jeans, your eyes caught a glimpse of silver.

Nervously chuckling, your hand slid down to open the car door, "That's not what I meant,"

It was as if you could hear your own heartbeat, you could feel yourself starting to get sweaty. When the car door didn't budge, you silently cursed yourself for getting into this situation.

"Oh, no. I know exactly what you meant," He held the knife firmly in his hands and looked as if he was about to lunge at you.

As he lunged, you quickly managed to dodge despite the tight confinement of the car. You managed to twist his wrist, disarming him, and causing the knife to fall right into your lap, "Now are you still going to behave like your fresh out of diapers or can we have a nice relaxing trip back to your house?"

He looked surprised, genuinely not thinking you could defend yourself like that. His bright blue eyes widened in shock. However, there still wasn't a trace of fear on his face.

"How did you-" He stared up at you confused, however, he eventually returned to his prior activity, "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"

You yawned, putting the knife away in your pocket, and staring at the steering wheel which had specks of Dandy's blood around it, "Now, this is gonna be a messy cleanup,"

After a while, he finally started the car. The two of you drove home in silence. This gave you time to think about what he just did. This man had serious anger issues, you'd never seen anyone get angry enough to kill. It was extremely useful that the kids at the orphanage taught you how to defend yourself when you were younger. A knife was practically you're best friend. Poor Dandy Mott, you thought to yourself, his mother could buy him anything in the world but the skill of fighting was only to be learned. 

When you'd finally reached Mott Manor, the crickets had started to chirp and the sky was now dark. You could see stars dance across the night sky. The moon was specifically full and bright, so you assumed it was the day of the full moon. It was funny how you knew these worthless little things, while you were blind to the more stereotypical important ones. Like Maths and English.

The air was cold and crisp, you tugged your sleeves down as if they could shield you from the cold air. You left the car but as soon as you got out, Dandy was there. There was an eerie silence in the air. He was so close to you that you could hear his heartbeat.

"You're not playing by the rules," Dandy muttered, inches away from your face, his warm breath tickled against your ear, "But maybe you're a little less boring than I thought you were,"

You saw a sickly smirk appear on the young man's face as he turned around and headed inside, each step was full of confidence and composure. He left you to stand in the cold. A shiver ran up your spine. Maybe you'd only known the boy for a day but there was one thing you knew for certain. Dandy Mott was pure evil.

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