The Worst

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Song for this chapter: Mess~ Ed Sheeran

Morgan pov

The moment I found out about ray's condition I broke. Broke in a way I didn't think I could be fixed, but after going to see him last night I felt the weight lift off my chest.

My parents were only staying in town for one more day. So we had to come to a conclusion. We all finally agreed to pull the plug which I only agreed under one condition.

I wanted his body cremated.

My parents thought I was insane for suggesting something so absurd, but after explaining to them how I wanted to keep the ashes they agreed.

Now at this very moment we all stood around the bed to say our goodbyes. All of ray's friends stood here to get a look at him for the final time before we had to pull the plug.

Chresanto reached down grasping my hand into his as my heart grew heavy.
The pain I felt in my chest as they unplugged the machine was unbearable.

"You must be so happy." Princeton growled towards Chres.

"What?" Chres questioned.

"Don't play stupid. You have been probably praying on ray's death since you two got into that dumb ass argument." Princeton spat as he stepped closer into Chres face.

"Aye Bruh chill." Ej said attempting to pull Princeton back.

"Keep your fucking hands off me." Prince shouted as he shoved Ej to the wall.

Prodigy quickly stepped in between them. "Calm the hell down" he ordered.

"Nah, I'm so fucking tired of this wannabe always giving his opinion about some shit." Princeton spat. "You don't know shit about what we been through! Fucking new boy. why don't you waltz your ass back to where ever you came from." Princeton growled.

"Hey!" I shouted. "This is not the place for this." I reminded them.

Princeton scoffed as he looked at me in disgust then he sifted his attention back towards chresanto. "Ray had the right to be upset. If you would just kept your dick in your pants then our circle wouldn't have fell apart like this. Bros before hoes right?" Prince slurred. It was only then that I noticed he had been drinking. "You probably fucked Morgan on the first night." Princeton chuckled. "She always has been an easy one." He smirked as he looked at me.

And right as that crocked smile appeared on his face Chres knocked it right off as he sent a hard blow causing Princeton to stumble back. and at that very moment the whole hospital room broke out into Chaos over my brother's dead body.


I wrapped my arms around my mom tighter than usual. After what happened I tend to be sure to express my love a lot more now. "Call me as soon as your flight lands." I said as I hugged my father next.

"We will honey." My mom said before kissing my check.

"I wish We could stay until tomorrow that way we can be here when you get your results." My dad sighed.

"It's fine dad. I'll call you guys as soon as I find out." I assured them.

He smiled as he hugged me again. "Thank you so much for getting tested." He mumbled into my hair.

"John we gotta go before we miss our flight." My mom exclaimed as she got into the cab. Dad kissed my forehead before he followed suit.

"Be safe." I shouted as they closed the car door. I blew a kiss and waved my hand in the air as they pulled off.

I let out a breath of relief as I turned around to find Chres standing in the door way. I walked into his open arms laying my head on his chest. "This has been the worst week of my life." I groaned.

"I know baby. I know." Chres said as he closed the front door.

I stared at the box on the cocktail table which held my brothers ashes.

"So what do you plan to do with those?" Chres questioned.

"I think I'm going to get a really pretty vase to put them in then get a shelf and fill it will things that remind me of Ray. " I told him.

"And put it where?" He questioned.

"Here. Maybe like in the family room." I suggested. "If that's okay with you."

"Of course. Whatever makes you happy." He said.

I smiled as I leaned up on my tippy toes kissing his lips. "Thank you for standing up for me back at the hospital."

He shrugged. "I'll always have your back. I gotchu Babygirl." Chres assured me before kissing my lips again.

"You sure you want to go to work today? You can stay home I'm sure the boss would understand." Chres smirked.

I chuckled. "Yes I'm sure babe. I have to get back to my life." I told him.

"You are incredible." He stated.


"Ugh" Nina groaned as I walked into the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes as I put the next order in.

"Order up." Nina called to me.

I walked over to the counter to grab the tray but she quickly scooted it back. "Could you not be so clumsy today. I don't feel like cleaning up your mess." Nina spat getting the attention of everyone in the kitchen.

"What's your issue with me?" I questioned as I stared at her clueless.

She stared at me for a moment before she spoke again. "You really wanna know?" She smirked.

I scrunched my eyebrows together. " yea I do." I told her.

"Okay then I'll tell you. I'm tired of bitches like you coming in here all inexperienced making it hard for us." She began.

I stood there confused.

"Bitches like me?" I questioned.

"Yeah, chresanto's hoes." She stated.

"chill Nina. You walking on thin ice." Joanna warned her.

"Nah she needs to know." Nina said waving her off. "You think you the only girl who got a job here just because you was fucking the boss." She scoffed. "Ask Joanna how she got here." Nina smirked.

"You foul." Joanna growled shaking her head.

Nine ignored her comment as she looked back at me. "If you haven't noticed, this job isn't for you. Chresanto only keeps you around cause he feels bad. But in all honesty you ain't nothing but another charity case, Chres tends to pick up a lot of those. He gotta big heart." She told me. "Careful, it's still hot." She smirked as she scooted the tray towards me.

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