The Beach

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Morgan pov

my eyes fluttered open taking in the sunlight. i rolled over laying flat on my back staring to the ceiling of chres room. lastnight after he surprised me with all the outfits we cuddled all night and i ended up falling asleep in his arms... honestly the best feeling ever.

i glanced over at the clock on the nightstand. my eyes opened wide like saucers seeing it was already 11:30am how the hell did i over sleep. i hopped out of the bed finally realizing that his side was empty, wow so he got up for work but couldn't even wake me? such an asshole.

i rushed towards the door of his room but before i could pull it open there taped to the door was a note. i pulled it off to get a better look so i could read it.

goodmorning beautiful,

i know you over slept, i turned off your alarm purposely. and heres why, i want you to go down stairs and enjoy the breakfast i have waiting for you and then after you do that i want you to get ready for the day. heres a hint, wear the outfit thats meant to get wet.

i will see you soon. xo

i couldn't help but smile as i read over the note again and again... honestly when did this man get so sweet?


"chres, can you please come tie this" i shouted down the hall. his room door opened reveling his bare chest... what a sight to see.

"gladly." he smirked as he came towards me tying my swim suit top, once he was done i turned around to face him. " fits perfectly." he complimented. i smiled as i looked up at him.

"you do know i cant swim, right?" i pointed out.

a soft chuckle escaped his mouth. " really?" he asked.

i rolled my eyes. " yes really."

his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. " why don't you know how to swim? what kind of terrible child hood did you have." he gasped.

i couldn't control my laughter at this point. " i had a great child hood thank you very much." i sassed.

he held his hands up in surrender. " just trust me on this, i won't let you drown." he guaranteed me.

"promise?" i asked moving closer to him closing the space between us.

" promise." he told me before planting a soft kiss on my forehead.


by the time we made it to the beach it was half empty.

" come on" chres told me grabbing my hand trying to pull from the shore.

" chres no." i whined.

he sighed. " morgan, trust me." he said again.

i looked at him then to the water then back at him as he stood there with a pleading look in his eyes. eventually i gave in not wanting to ruin his date.

i grabbed onto his hand allowing him to guide me into the water. we went in deep until it came up to my chest. " no deeper." i begged.

" okay." chres said simply then he was off swimming around me.

he came back up wiping his face as i looked at him amused. " oh come on you cant just stand there." he said.

" but i cant swim." i reminded him.

he picked me up making me wrap my legs around his waist. " hold on." he said. i wrapped my arms around his neck as he walked deeper until the water.

"cover your nose." he warned me before he dunked us down into the water.  seconds later he brung us both back up laughing.

" holy shit that was cold!" he shouted.

he continued to laugh as he brushed my now wet hair out of my face.

" don't be such a baby." he teased as he put me down.

i gasped as i splashed water into his face. " take it back." i demanded.

he wiped his face as he looked at me. " oh you want to splash? okay cool." he shrugged as he reached for me but i was already off running through the water.

i looked back to see how close he was and before i knew it i was up in the air i didn't even have time to cover my nose when he dunked me. oh he will pay for this.


"that was a low blow." chres growled as we walked back onto shore. 

"you deserved it." i chuckled.

"no one deserves for their swim trunks to be pulled down in public." he shot back

i broke out into laughter holding onto my stomach. " oh calm down, no one noticed." i assured him.

he chuckled while shaking his head at me. " hungry?" he questioned.

"very much so." i admitted.

"wait here." he said before jogging off towards the car. i sat down onto the sand as i waited for him to return.

by the time he came back he held a blanket and what seemed to be a picnic basket? he placed the blanket down then sat the basket on top. " a picnic?" i questioned with a smile.

"pretty much." he said simply as he began to dig into the basket. "i got all your favorite things." he said as he took everything out. there laid a chipotle bag, lemonade and hot cheetos.

i chuckled as i stared down at the stuff. " this is honestly really sweet." i said in awe.. he actually put thought into it.

" oh my dear, i am only getting started." he assured me.

" what do you have up your sleeve?" i questioned him crossing my arms over my chest.

"you will see eventually. for now, eat up before your food gets cold. " he said as he leaned back onto his elbows watching me.

i instantly begin to dig into the burrito bowl as chres bit into his burrito.

"so good." i moaned closing my eyes lets the flavor satisfy my taste buds.

he chuckled as he watched me with amusement. " that good?" he questioned.

" see for yourself." i said while scooping more into the spoon before leaning forward putting it into his mouth.

i watched him for his reaction as he chewed.

"it is really good. iv actually never had a burrito bowl from them." he admitted.

" then you haven't lived my love." i told him before shoving another spoonful into my mouth followed by yet another moan.

he smiled as he looked at me and mumbled something that sounded like 'perfection' ?

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