Make it to me

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Song for this chapter: in too deep~ the sweeplings

"Honestly you are out of your mind." I spat as professor Palmer drove. "Do you have a death wish?" I asked him.

He chuckled.

"I only did it for the charity." He told me.

"All of the pretty girls that were up for auction you didn't bid on them once." I pointed out. "So why me?" I asked him.

"Because all the other pretty girls weren't you Morgan." He breathed out.

And there it was again.

The feeling in my stomach. It felt as if the butterflies were having a filed day.

Once we pulled up to the restaurant he opened my door for me helping me out. "Thanks." I mumbled as we walked into the restaurant.

After placing our orders the table sat in an uncomfortable silence.

"Ms Montgomery." Professor Palmer breathed out. "Do I make you nervous?" He asked.

My breath hitched. "What?" I asked him.

"Do I make you nervous?" He asked me again.

I thought back to the very first day I stepped into his classroom. That day I felt something.

I had a strong feeling about professor Palmer that I never quite understood.

"No." I lied finally speaking up.

"Good." He smiled that smile that was so perfect.

Sky pov

"Thank you so much." Chres said as He shook Tomas hand. "I really appreciate your support." Chres smiled.

"I can't wait to do business with you." Tomas smiled. "This is one interview out of many." Tomas assured me. "I see big things for you Chresanto. Le Reve is going worldwide." He told Chres.

Lisa sent chres a smile as her and Tomas headed towards the door of the restaurant.

I let out an excited scream as I kicked my legs. "You're are about to blow up!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled as he looked at me with a smile. "Thank you so much for being here tonight." He told me. "I needed the support."

I waved him off. "What are friends for." I smiled.

His smile deepened as he sipped from his glass.

"Vegas was so amazing." I said sighing.

"I know right." He agreed. "I still can't believe you and Trevor are related." He smiled. "You guys are practically twins."

I laughed as I held onto my stomach. "No way." I chucked. "We are so different it's mind blowing." I assured him.

"Oh yeah? How so" he asked me.

I began to think about the differences my brother and I shared. "Okay well I guess we are more alike that I thought." I chuckled.

He joined in the sound of his perfect laugh was music to my ears. "What do you do when you aren't working, like what's your interest." Chresanto asking me randomly.

"Hmm." I began to think. "I'm into photography." I admitted.

He smiled. "That's cool." He chimed.

I nodded. As my attention sifted off as I began to glance around the restaurant. When my eyes locked onto my brother I sat there in confusion as him and Morgan sat there having dinner.

"You okay?" Chres asked me trying to see what had my attention.

"I'm fine." I said causing his focus to come back to me. " actually I was just thinking that maybe if you have alittle time I could show you my photo book, iv been working on it since grade school."

He smiled as he nodded. "What are we waiting on?" He questioned as he stood up from the table.

I lead him out of the restaurant taking note that my brother owed me for covering his ass.

Are they having an affair?

Naomi's pov

"Who's there?" I questioned as a figure made its way towards me in the dark.

"Baby." Joanna breathed out embracing me into a tight hug.

"How did you find me?" I asked her.

"Your mom said you weren't home, so I kinda tracked you down with that where is my iPhone app." She admitted.

I broke out into a soft laughter. "That is psychotic." I told her.

"I know." She said joining in on the laughter. "Do you want to tell me why you haven't answer any of my messages?" She asked.

I sighed pulling away.

" I can't take it anymore joanna." I stressed out. "All the secrets and lies are overwhelming." I admitted.

She let out a deep breath.

"I spent 18 years in the closet." I reminded her. "I refuse to go back there, for anybody." I was sure to add in.

She sighed as she kicked at the rocks on the ground.

"I know how you're feeling right now and I don't want to force you to do anything if you aren't ready." I told her. "Stay in the closet as long as you have too, but I won't be staying in there with you." I stressed out. "I refuse to be your secret."

She looked up at me tears evident in her eyes. "Will you come with me?" She asked.

"Come with you where?" I asked her.

"To tell my parents." Joanna breathed out.

My eyes grew watery as I stared at the beautiful girl before me. "Are you serious?" I asked her.

"I'd do anything for you." She assured me.

I smiled as I ran back into her arms. I pulled back to see her tears falling. "I love you." I told her wiping her cheek with the pad of my thumb.

She smiled. "I love you." She repeated before crashing her lips into mine.

"Wow." She breathed out as she looked at the brick wall which now contained my artwork. "You just keep getting better." She smiled as she admired it.

She was the only one who knew about my street art, she was the only one who could understand.

Morgan pov

it was now midnight and I had just got in. I couldn't even begin describe the dinner I had with professor Palmer with words.

It was simply indescribable.

We had such great conversation. It wasn't weird or awkward after a while,It all started to feel so right.

After peeling my dress off I opened Chres dresser grabbing one of his t shirts.

After slipping it on I climbed into bed with him.

"How was your charity event?" He asked.

"Good." I said simply. "And your meeting?" I questioned.

"Good." He responded simply.

"I'm happy to hear that." I told him truthfully.

"Come here." He said.

I scooted closer to him allowing him to wrap his arms around me holding me while I laid my head close to his heart.

"Our love is forever." He said.

"Always will be." I assured him. And I meant it.

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