By Accident

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Song for this chapter:fly before you fall~Cynthia Erivo

Chresanto pov

I stared at this weird man standing on my door step claiming to be my father eyes bulging out of my head. "Get the fuck away from here, or so help me god." I warned him.

The man swallowed hard. "Please." He begged.

"Move!" I repeated while I went to slam the door but to my surprise Morgan's hand stopped it.

"Chresanto." She began.

I stared at her wondering what the hell she was doing.

She glanced between this man and me repeatedly before she spoke again. "You can't just slam the door on him, he says he is your father." She said Ina. Cracked tone.

"That's fucking bullshit Morgan my dad died years ago!" I shouted becoming annoyed. "What was your purpose of coming here with this bullshit story." I asked turning my attention back towards him.

"Chresanto you were adopted at birth." The man told me.

A crocked laugh escaped my mouth. "Did you just escape from a crazy house or some shit." I asked the guy. "quick get the phone Morgan, Maniac on the loose" I laughed

"I can prove it." The man said. "Let's take a DNA test." The man requested.

Soon my playful demeanor vanished as I stared at the man.

"Come inside, please." Morgan said opening the door wider.

The man walked inside.

"We can talk about it in the family room yeah?" Morgan said closing the door.

She grabbed my hand pulling me to follow her.

The man trailed behind us into the family room.

"You think he was adopted?" Morgan asked him.

"I know he a married couple, Robert and Sandra August." The man said making my eyebrows scrunch in confusion. How the hell does he know that.

Morgan looked to me.

"Okay so let's just say I believe this bullshit of a story, I was adopted at birth so why are you sitting here right now." I asked the man.

He let out a deep breath. "I hired a private investigator to track you down." The man admitted.

"Okay enough. You have to go." I said getting irritated all over again.

"Chresanto, please just hear him out." Morgan plead.

"No! If you want to talk to this man so bad then do as you please." I growled standing up.

"No, I'll go." The man said standing up. "Just think about it, and if you change your mind and want to know more then you can contact me here." The man said holding a card out.

I stood there glaring at him.

Morgan finally took the card realizing that I wouldn't. She offered him a small smiled of sympathy as he headed for the door.

"I believe him.." Morgan said in a low tone.

"Thats fucking lovely." I spat as I headed for the door.

What type of shit is this.


"One more!" I hollered out to the bartender as I held up two fingers.

"I'm sorry sir, but we can't serve you anymore tonight." The lady behind the bar told me.

"What?" I slurred out.

She sighed. "Do you have someone who can come get you?" She asked.

"Excuse me bitch when did you become my mom?" I asked her.

she passed me a water before turning going back down to the other side.

"Fucking bitch." I mumbled as I pushed the cup to the floor watching the glass shatter.

"Chresanto." A voice called out.

I looked up to see the old creep from earlier. "Great, you again." I groaned.

He sighed as he sat next to me. I watched as he sipped from his cup.

"Can I have some?" I asked him.

He looked at me skeptical for a moment before he passed it over to me.

"When you get stressed you come here too huh?" The man asked with a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes as I took a sip from the cup. "Fucking soda?" I asked a I spit it out. "Who comes to bar and gets a soda?" I asked him. What a fucking joke.

"I remember sitting in that same stool, doing the same thing when I was your age. Just drinking away my problems." The man told me.

I groaned in annoyance. "Oh please stop." I begged causing the man to chuckle

"We are more alike than you think." The man smiled.

"Another beer !" I called out to the bartender again.

I watched the girl shake her head as she ignored me.

"SCREW YOU." I told her. "I'm outta here." I slurred out as I stood to my feet. My legs felt like rubber as I tried to control my balance.

The old man grabbed onto me helping me stand up right.

"Keep your hands off of me." I said brushing him off.

Slowly but surely I made my way out of the bar and into the parking lot.

Bright lights flashed as a car came to halt right in front of me. "Hey watch it!" They yelled out. I waved them off as I proceeded to my car.

I struggled as I searched for the key hole. "Morgan is going to kill me." I said to myself with a chuckle.

I bagged out of the parking lot taking off up the road. That whole no driving while you're drunk shit is crap. I'm doing just fine.

The buzzing of my phone caused a vibration to run through my leg. I laughed again as I took my hands off the wheel to grab my phone out my pocket.

Soon I gave up on trying to pull my phone out of the dark cave it was apparently stuck in. I looked back up only to feel the car completely crash into something.

My eyes expanded as as I looked at the site in front of me...

I sat there in my seat with my hands still on the wheel wide eyed and in shock. this definitely sobered me up.

Within seconds my car door flew open. "Get out!" The man who claimed to be my father shouted.

I looked at him as if he was crazy while he continued to yell.

"Get out!" He repeated as he grabbed hold of me pulling me out the car. He dragged me up the street a bit before sitting me inside of another car. "Are you stable now?" He asked me.

I continued to stare at him as my eyes remained big.

"Answer me now Chresanto." He pushed.

"Yes, yes." Was all I could say.

"Get out of here." He told me.

"I-I just hit that lady." I told him.

"Chresanto get out of her now!" He repeated. "Drive. go straight home." He ordered.

As he walked back towards my car it was only then that i realized what he planned to do... He was going to take the fall for me.

"Go!" I heard him shout again.

And at the moment something took over me causing me to take off up the road, in this stranger's car.

Once I pulled up to the driveway I ran into the house leaning against the wall as I tried to slow my breathing.

"Chresanto." I heard Morgan call out. "Baby what happened." She asked in a panic tone as she rushed to me.

I allowed my body to slide down the wall until I hit the floor.

What the hell just happened...

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