Chapter 1 - New Neighbors

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Lynn sat on the comfy cushion at her large open bay window, soaking up the sunlight and enjoying the first day of summer break, feeling SO glad that the school year was finally over so she could veg out, relax and do whatever she wanted all day every day but her peace was interrupted by the noise of cars and a moving truck pulling up across the street. 

She lived on a cul-de-sac so not very many people drove down this road besides the five neighbors who lived in her little circle so she sat up and looked out the window being nosy.  There were a couple cars she didn't recognize and a large moving truck. Mrs. Graetter, her elderly neighbor across the street had passed away a couple months ago and her beautiful house, the nicest one on the block, had recently been sold. 

She watched out the window with curiosity to see who the new neighbors would be as the family piled out of their car. She saw a pretty, blonde-haired girl that looked about 15 or 16 years old and a blonde boy that looked a little bit younger than her get out of the backseat and then the front passenger door opened and she saw him ........ Brady Quinn. 

She recognized him immediately. THE Brady Quinn, quarterback of her high school football team and the most popular guy at school that every single girl had lusted over and dreamed about since middle school. He stood at 6'3, was built like a Greek God and had blonde hair that swept across his forehead and eyes so blue they didn't seem real. His muscles and chiseled jawline were so perfectly amazing they made him look like an action figure. She watched in open-mouthed shock as he got out of the car and looked around the neighborhood assessing the new place. 

She couldn't believe it. Brady Quinn was actually going to be her neighbor. That was so weird. He turned around, slowly scanning the neighbor houses and that's when he looked up and noticed her sitting in her window and he studied her for a second before giving a weak wave of his hand. 

It took her brain a second to process that he had waved at her and then she raised her hand shyly and gave a quick wave before going back to the online book she was reading on her phone with her face turning bright red. That's when she looked down and her brain registered that she was wearing a tiny bikini that showed pretty much everything and she gasped and was so stunned she fell off the bay window with a loud thud and clumsily crawled to her closet to get on some clothes. She was afraid to stand up because he might see her. 

She was SO embarrassed. Brady Quinn had just seen her wearing a tiny bikini that showed way more of her body than she was comfortable showing. She had put it on to avoid tan lines and didn't expect anyone to see it because her neighbors were all usually at work at this time of day. She never wore extremely skimpy bikinis like that out in public and to say this bikini was skimpy would be an understatement. It was pretty much 3 squares of fabric and some string which is why she had been trying to get a tan through the large open bay window in her bedroom instead of laying out in the yard where all the neighbors would have a clear view. 

Her house was really close to the street and her bedroom window was the closest part of their house to it so Brady had gotten a really clear view. She was sure he didn't really care about what she was wearing and probably hadn't even noticed but she was mortified. When she finally emerged wearing some cut-off shorts and a t-shirt and sat back at her window she was a little disappointed to see that they had gone inside their new house.

A little while later Brady Quinn came out of the house again and she watched him throwing a football in the front yard with his little brother for a while as the moving company brought in all of their belongings and his sister sat by and watched, complaining now and then about how bored she was. Lynn noticed Brady glancing up in her direction from time to time with a little smirk and a lighthearted laugh and she realized he must've seen her fall off her window seat but she tried to focus on her book and not the gorgeous godlike man across the road. Embarrassing herself in front of him didn't matter anyway. She was sure they would never talk.

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