Chapter 8 - The Party (Continued)

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"Oh ummmmm. I've never smoked pot before," she said shyly. 

"Oh it's easy. Just suck in the smoke and hold it in your lungs as long as you can before you let it out. It'll probably make you cough the first time but that's normal," she said with a smile, still holding it out to her. 

"Sorry. I think I'm gonna stick to beer for tonight but thanks for the offer," she said with a smile, getting up and moving back inside the barn where she walked up to the keg and got a refill. She drank this one down fast and asked for another. 

She started sipping on her new beer and suddenly realized she was starving. She decided to make her way over to the pizza but it felt like she was walking in a tunnel. She was a little bit disoriented but eventually she made it to the pizza and grabbed a slice before plopping down on a couch, laughing. 

The pizza tasted so good that she ate that slice pretty fast and went back for another one. She couldn't believe how hungry she was and then her beer was empty and she went up to the keg for a refill. Josh was actually standing there talking to some people and when he saw her he said, "Hey! Lynn. Glad you ended up coming." 

"Yep I did," she giggled. For some reason the way he said it sounded so funny to her. She filled her beer and went to sit down on the couch again but Josh followed her over and sat down beside her. She took a big drink and then smiled over at him. 

"So who did you come here with? Isn't she missing you?" she asked. 

"I came here by myself. I was hoping to run into you so I guess I lucked out," he said with a smile, tucking her hair behind her ear and looking into her eyes. Slowly he leaned forward and before her drunken brain could process what was going on he was kissing her. She had never been kissed before and he was really good at it and he was so cute. Then she finally remembered what Brady had said about him sleeping with girls and then ditching them and she pushed him back. 

"No, we've gotta stop," she said, going to get up off the couch but he held onto her waist and pulled her back down. 

"Where you goin? We were starting to have fun," he said, crashing his mouth against hers but she pushed against him even harder. 

"No!" she said, struggling to push him off of her again as he tried to kiss her, but he was too strong. 

The next thing she knew Josh was being pulled up forcefully off of the couch by Brady and he said, "Get your hands off of her dude. She said no." 

Brady shoved him hard and he looked stunned. He stood there for a second and looked back down at Lynn and then glared back at Brady for a second before saying, "Fine Quinn, whatever. I was just trying to have a little fun," before raising his hands up like he was innocent, walking away. 

Brady reached down and helped Lynn up off the couch, putting her arm around his shoulder and his arm around her waist since she was struggling so hard to walk.

"Brady!" she said with a big smile, splashing her beer as she stumbled a little bit as she walked. "I have been looking all over for you," she said, slurring her words with a giggle. 

Brady walked her outside and down to the campfire where his friends were and he sat down on a log. She plopped down on the log next to him and laughed and then hiccuped which made her laugh even more.

Brady laughed and shook his head. "Guys this is Lynn. She's my new neighbor. Her and her brother are really chill." 

"Hey," they all said to her and she waved at them, before taking another big drink of her beer. 

She sat there and listened to them talk about football for a while until her eyes started to get heavy. So heavy she couldn't keep them open and she leaned against Brady's shoulder and closed her eyes. The next thing she knew she was asleep on Brady and being woken up by the sound of a yelling woman. 

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