Chapter 33 - Back to School

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Sunday night Lynn's Mom called a family meeting in their living room and invited Brady's entire family over for it too. Her Mom and Jake stood while all the kids sat around on the big sectional couch. 

 "I called this meeting with everybody because summer is over so it's time to give you guys back all of your electronics ....... but before I do that I want to hear what you guys learned this summer." 

Lynn spoke up first and said, "I learned that I wasted a LOT of time on Youtube, Tik Tok, Snapchat and Instagram. Any time I was bored I was always checking my phone and I missed out so much on what was going on in the world around me. I'm almost not even excited to get my phone back because I had the time of my life this summer." 

"Yeah," Wes agreed. "As much as I hated it at the beginning, I think you taking away my phone and Xbox was the best thing that ever happened to me. If you hadn't I probably would have spent my whole summer in my room wasting my days away but instead I made some great new friends and found out I really love basketball and I want to try out for the team this year."

Their Mom actually started to tear up and grabbed a Kleenex and dabbed her eyes. 

"You guys are right. This was the best summer of my life and it was all because I didn't have my phone, wifi, computer and Xbox. Even though we're getting all this stuff back I'm going to try to use it as little as I can and keep up what we started this summer," Brady said with a smile over at Lynn.  

Bella spoke up and said, "I never thought in a MILLION years I would say this but I'm actually not excited to get my phone back either. I was SO addicted to that thing and I wasted so much of my life on it. Maybe we should do a technology free summer every year."

 "Yeah. That's a great idea. This was the best summer of my life," Lynn said with the biggest smile.

***** Monday - 1st day of school *****

Lynn looked in the mirror at her first day of school outfit and she thought it looked really nice. The tight white tank top and stretchy jeans showed off her curves really well but the cardigan made it still school appropriate. 

She slung her white Under Armour backpack over her shoulder and headed outside where Brady was waiting in his red Lexus convertible to take them to school

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She slung her white Under Armour backpack over her shoulder and headed outside where Brady was waiting in his red Lexus convertible to take them to school. She got in the passenger seat and leaned over and gave him a kiss and said, "Good morning!" 

"Good morning" he said back with a smile. "What's taking your brother so long? Don't girls usually take longer to get ready?"

 He honked the horn a few times but when he didn't come out Lynn ran upstairs to get him. 

"Come on dude! We're outside waiting for you!" she told him. 

"Brady wants me to ride to school with you guys?" he asked, surprised. 

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