Chapter 5 - The Sunshine Diner

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After the garage had been completely gone through she grabbed the walkie talkie and pressed the button, speaking into it. 

"Hey Wes. The garage is clear. We didn't find anything. Any luck in the shed?" 

"Nope. Nothing. We finished a while ago and just started kicking around a soccer ball we found. We've searched the entire house so it looks like our stuff isn't here." 

"Dammit!" she grumbled. "Okay. You guys meet us in the living room so we can talk about what to do next." 

They all met up in the living room and Wes plopped down on the couch and exhaled. 

"If she's not storing it here at the house I wonder where it is?" 

Lynn thought about it for a second and then her eyes lit up. 

"Her car! I bet she's got it all locked in the trunk of her car!" 

"Yeah! I bet you're right!" Wes said. 

She grabbed the spare set of keys to her Mom's car off the hook in the kitchen and said, "Let's go find out!" 

"Hey we can use my Dad's car. He told me we could use it this summer for our little so-called 'adventures' as he put it," Brady told them as they all started heading out the door and over to their house. 

He opened the garage door and clicked unlock on a red Lexus convertible. 

Brady drove and Wes got in the passenger seat since he was the tallest

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Brady drove and Wes got in the passenger seat since he was the tallest.  Lynn sat in the middle of the back seat between Bella and Max and Brady pushed the button to put the top down before he pulled out of the garage and slid on a pair of sunglasses. 

"Normally I'd have the music from my cell phone playing through Bluetooth but I guess we'll just have to find something on the radio," he said, scanning through the channels. He found a Post Malone song and turned it up really loud and as he pulled onto the interstate the wind rushed through Lynn's hair and put a big smile on her face. She couldn't believe she was actually riding in Brady Quinn's car and hanging out with him. How did this even happen?

After 20 minutes they pulled up in the parking lot of her Mom's office and she was disappointed to see that her car was parked right up in the front by the windows. 

"We should have the smallest person sneak over there and open the trunk. You'll be less likely to be seen," Brady said to his little brother Max. He didn't even hesitate. He took the keys from Lynn and crouched down low and hurried over to the trunk, pressing the button to lift it. He looked around for a second before closing it and rushed back over and hopped in the back seat. 

"There's nothing in there except a couple tennis rackets and tennis balls," he said in defeat as Brady pulled away. 

"Dammit! I thought for sure she had them in her trunk!" Lynn groaned. "Well if they're not there either then I'm completely out of ideas. You don't think she sold them do you?" she asked Wes.

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