Chapter 21 - Having the Talk

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"Lynn I wanna talk to you about what happened last night," Brady said, looking down into her face. 

She took a deep breath and exhaled. 

"I'm so sorry Brady. What happened was a big mistake and I'm really embarrassed. I know we both like other people and you've seriously become my best friend this summer and I don't want things to be weird between us. Can you do me a favor and just forget it ever happened and we can just carry on being best friends like we were before? It would really mean a lot to me. You're a really important part of my life and I don't want to lose you ....... please?" she said, with tears burning at her eyes. 

He hesitated, looking her face over and said, "Okay Lynn. I can tell it really means a lot to you so we'll just pretend it never happened and go back to how things were before." 

"Thank you Brady," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a hug. 

He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back and whispered, "No problem nerd." 

She giggled a little bit and sniffled, before punching his arm. "Shut up Jock." 

He smiled and started walking again in the direction the group had gone. Eventually they caught up and her Dad looked back at them and asked, "Where were you two?" 

"Sorry. I had to stop and tie my shoe and Brady waited for me," she said. 

"Well from here on out make sure we all stay together. We don't want anyone getting lost out here in the mountains and having to send a search party to find you. Especially since I'm the only one here with a cell phone because of your Mom's crazy cell phone free summer," he grumbled. 

"Ok Dad. I promise it won't happen again." 

They all started walking again following behind her Dad, and Wes and Brady were walking beside each other talking about basketball. She noticed the path they were on was really wide so it was very safe. She could see how it would be dangerous at night thought because you wouldn't be able to see where the edge was. 

After hiking for a couple more hours they stopped to take a water break and rested before moving ahead. After a couple more hours they reached the peak of where they were going. They weren't scaling the side of a mountain or anything like that. They had just taken a novice trail to the top of a tall hill but it was still high enough that the view was amazing. You could see the snow covered mountains in the background and the town down below where the cars looked like dots. 

"Wow. This is beautiful!" Bella said, standing there open mouthed in awe looking around. 

"Yeah. This place is incredible," Brady agreed, checking out the crazy view. He pulled out the disposable camera and they each took turns getting a picture taken with the view behind them. 

"Ok guys. You ready to head back?" their Dad asked and they all nodded and followed behind him. 

After the long hike back all their feet were killing them so it felt good to get in the kayaks, using their arms to paddle and letting their feet have a break. Their Dad had five Kayaks but two needed repairs so they used three.  All of which could hold two people. Brady and Bella shared a kayak and Wes shared with Lynn and their Dad shared with Max.  

Wes and Lynn paddled a little bit away from the group because the lake wasn't huge so they knew they wouldn't get lost. 

"Hey what's going on with you? You've been acting really weird," Wes told her. 

She laughed. "I should've known you would notice."

"Yeah I did ....... so what's up?" 

"You have to promise not to say anything to anybody. Swear?" 

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