Chapter 32 - The Big Announcement

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***** Four Weeks Later *****

"Mom, what do you think of this outfit?" Lynn asked, stepping out of the dressing room at American Eagle in a pair of ripped jeans, an army green tank top and a long white cardigan with a white shell necklace. 

"Oh that one's really cute. That's the best one so far. You should definitely wear that Monday for the first day of school," she said with a big smile. 

"I can't believe it's Saturday and school starts on Monday. It's so crazy. Summer went way too fast!" 

"It always does," her Mom smiled. 

They finished up their last minute school shopping and headed back home. When they pulled in the driveway her Mom said, "Oh, Bella called my cell phone while we were at the store. She wanted to remind you that today is the pool party and it's already started. She said to come over as soon as you got home and to walk right in. You don't need to knock." 

 "I didn't forget. I've already got my swimsuit and extra clothes in this bag I brought. Thanks for taking me shopping for my first day outfit," she said with a big smile, before heading over to the Quinns' house. She could already hear the music and splashing noises from the pool but when she went through the house and opened their back door she wasn't at all prepared for the scene in front of her. 

The entire back yard and pool area was completely full of people. She looked around and noticed Brady's football friends were here, all the cheerleaders, quite a few faces she recognized from the parties she had gone to with Brady and then she spotted her best friend Kate talking to Wes. 

"Hey!" she shouted, waving over at them and they waved back and smiled. 

She walked up and said, "Wow! I had no idea the pool party would be this massive. This is crazy." 

Wes picked up the walkie talkie and pressed the button and said, "She's here. Do you copy?" 

She heard Brady's voice laugh and say, "Yes I copy. Thanks." 

Then a few seconds later the music shut off and she heard a voice talking through a microphone. 

"Hey Yo! Listen up! Can I have your attention?" 

She looked all around to figure out where the voice was coming from and then she noticed Brady on the second floor balcony above them holding a microphone to his mouth, wearing only a pair of swim trunks.

"What on earth is he doing?" she asked Wes and he shrugged. 

 There were whispers and laughs but then everyone quieted down to see what he had to say. 

"I've got a very important announcement to make and that's why I invited all of you here today ........ I'd like you all to direct your attention to the young lady right over there by the waterfall. Lynn would you wave so everyone can see you?" he asked. 

Lynn was stunned and her face turned bright red but she raised her hand and waved. 

"This young woman is amazing so if you don't already know her you should introduce yourself. She's smart, funny, talented and beautiful but the thing about her that I am most proud of is that she ....... is my girlfriend." 

Kate and Wes both gasped and looked at her in shock. She looked around the party and noticed that there were a lot of shocked faces and a lot of talking all of a sudden. No one looked more shocked than Kate and Wes though.  

"I love you Lynn ......... now let's get back to the party!" he yelled, putting down the microphone and jumping off the ledge of the balcony and doing a cannonball into the pool. 

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