Chapter 36 - The Reunion

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Hearing him say that gave her butterflies in her stomach and she felt happier in that moment than she ever had. She cried happy tears and nodded as she wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. He pulled back and looked down into her eyes before leaning his head down and pressing his lips to hers, placing his hands on her waist and pulling her closer. She closed her eyes and melted into him as he gave her the most amazing, passionate kiss by far that she had ever had in her entire life. She had missed being kissed and hugged by him so bad.

Finally she looked up into his blue eyes and smiled. "What if instead of you giving up Hollywood we make a compromise?" she asked.

"What kind of compromise?"

"Here's what I'm thinking. We could spend half of the year in New York so I can work on Broadway and the other half of the year I go with you to wherever you're shooting a movie. That way we both get to follow our dreams and be happy but we're still together."

He looked at her and she could see the wheels spinning in his mind, "You just gave me an idea. Now hear me out on this okay?"

"Okay," she said cautiously.

"I like your idea of splitting the year between California and New York. What if when we're in New York we both audition for Broadway shows together and when we're in California we audition for movies together? Maybe sometimes we'll get lucky and we'll both get a part on the same job so we can act together again. Just like old times."

"Me? Act in a movie?" she asked, thinking it over in her mind. "I guess I could try it. I've never really thought about doing anything like that but maybe I'll like it."

"I think you would," he smiled.

He hugged his arms around her again and pulled her in for a kiss until the dressing room door opened and noisy girls filled the room talking about how great the show was. They didn't realize that Brady Quinn was in the room with them for a minute until Lynn pulled away from the kiss and all the girls squealed and jumped up and down.

"Hi ladies," Brady said with a laugh at their reaction.

No one squealed louder than Kate, who had come in with the actresses to see Lynn. She started jumping up and down and ran over and gave them both a hug at the same time.

"Does this mean you two are back together finally?!" she asked with anticipation.

Brady looked at Lynn, waiting for her to answer.

She smiled and said, "Yes ..... we're back together."

"Yes!" Kate screamed, jumping up and down and giving them a hug and the next thing she knew the whole room full of girls were jumping around cheering excitedly, celebrating the good news.

"Hey, what's going on in here?" a male voice asked and Lynn turned around to see Wes behind her.

"Lynn and Brady are back together!" Kate shouted and Wes' eyes grew wide with surprise.

"You two are back together?! It's about time!" he said, making Lynn laugh and smack his arm. He gave both of them a hug and said "I'm really happy for you. I always knew you guys would figure it out and end up together again."

"I didn't know for sure but I hoped we would," Brady said, pulling her in for a soft kiss. "I love you," he said, resting his forehead against hers.

"I love you too," she said with a smile, wondering once again for the millionth time in her life how she was so lucky to have a guy like Brady. She had missed him so much and wondered about what would happen when she saw him again but nothing had prepared her for this. She was happier than she had ever been, being back in Brady's arms where she belonged.

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