Chapter 9 - The Hangover

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The next morning Lynn woke up with the instant feeling of needing to throw up. She ran to her bathroom just in time to make it to the toilet and for the next 30 minutes she was hugging the bowl and heaving until there was nothing left in her stomach. She instantly regretted ever drinking and swore next time she wouldn't drink so much. She groaned and slinked her way back into bed taking a trash can with her in case she needed to get sick again. She slept for a while until the ringing of the phone woke her up. 

She reached over and grabbed the cordless phone and clicked answer.

 "Hello," she said in a gravelly voice. 

"Good morning sunshine," her best friend Kate laughed. 

"I can't really talk right now. I don't feel so good." 

She barely got the words out before she had to dive across the bed and get sick again in the trashcan. She realized she hadn't hung up and Kate just heard all that. 

"I'm so sorry," she said. "I've got the worst hangover ever." 

"Hangover?!" Kate said loudly. 

"Ugh ...... not so loud," Lynn groaned. "I've got a pounding headache." 

"Sorry," she whispered. "How on earth did you get a hangover?" 

"Me and Wes went to a party last night with Brady Quinn. I had a few beers and I kind of ......... made out with Josh Sanderson."

"Josh Sanderson! What!?" she laughed. "Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?" 

"I know. I feel like my world turned upside down after Brady moved in across the street. He's actually really fun to hang out with and he's nice ........ who knew?" 

"Yeah. It's crazy. So you want me to bring you over some soup and crackers and we can chill and watch a movie or something?" 

"That would be awesome. You're the best," Lynn said with a smile. Kate was the best friend in the world and she knew how lucky she was to have her. 

"Be there soon. Love ya!" Kate said before hanging up. 

It wasn't long before Kate was at the door knocking and she yelled through the open window for her to come up. She walked in carrying two bowls of hot soup and crackers from Panera. Kate was a short chubby blonde, with brown eyes and a big warm smile and she loved taking care of people. They had become best friends in middle school and stayed friends ever since. Kate was her complete opposite. She wasn't shy at all. She was actually very outgoing and was into theater, usually getting the lead part in all the school plays and being the leader of the show choir. She was known to break out into song whenever the mood struck her.

"I got some for your brother," she said with a smile. "I figured he might need some too." 

She handed her a big cup of water and some Tylenol and then crunched some crackers in her soup and handed it to her. Then she left to give Wes some soup, water and Tylenol too before coming back and laying in the bed next to her. 

"So what movie do we want to watch?" 

"Well ....... we don't have Netflix or Youtube or anything now. I dug out our old DVD player and some DVD's from the garage yesterday and set it up in my room. So you can look through those and see if you find anything interesting." 

Kate sat on the floor and went through a big box of old DVD's and finally decided on the movie "Legally Blonde".  She put it in the DVD player and pressed play and brought the remote over to the bed with her. 

They watched for a little bit and then Kate looked over and said, "So ....... Josh Sanderson huh?" 

Lynn grabbed the pillow and covered her face with it out of embarrassment. 

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