Chapter 17 - My First Date

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***** The next weekend ******

"Lynn! Your date's here!" Wes called from downstairs. 

Lynn took a deep breath and let it out and looked at herself in the long mirror. She was wearing a cute yellow summer dress that was kind of short with some strappy brown sandals and she had her long brown hair down and curled. She had put on some makeup and sprayed on her favorite expensive perfume that she saved for special occasions. 

She shook her hands to get the nerves out and then headed downstairs. When she got to the bottom of the stairs she turned and saw Wes and her Mom standing in the living room talking to Tucker Sullivan. She looked him up and down as she approached and he turned towards her with a big friendly smile. He was cute just like his picture. He was wearing a button up plaid dress shirt and some black dress pants and his short brown hair looked like it had been recently cut. 

As she got closer she looked up into his blue eyes and he smiled and held out a bouquet of white lilies for her. 

"Hi Lynn, I'm Tucker," he said, shaking her hand.  "These are for you." 

She took the flowers and smelled their wonderful fragrance and said, "Thank you. They're beautiful." 

Her Mom walked over and took the flowers and said, "I'll go put these in some water for you. You two have fun and don't be out too late. 11:00 at the latest. Okay?"

She followed Tucker outside to his black Jeep where he opened the door for her and she climbed up inside. When he got in she smiled at him but didn't say anything. She wasn't really sure what to say. She felt way too nervous. 

He started the engine and pulled out of the driveway and down the road. 

"So you're a pretty good friend of Brady's?" he asked, looking over at her. 

"Yeah. He's my new neighbor and he's become really good friends with me and my brother. You and him are pretty close too right?" 

"Yeah. My Dad's worked with his Dad since we were little so we grew up together. I consider him like a brother, so when he called me up and told me there was this amazing girl that was perfect for me I listened." 

"He said I was amazing?" she asked. 

"Yeah. He said you were shy but really smart and beautiful and fun to hang out with. He said you were a sweetheart and I'd be crazy not to go out with you." 

"Awww. That's nice," she said with a smile. 

"So what did he tell you about me?"

"He said you go to Pennbrook Academy and that you're really smart and really laid back. He said you're a little shy but once I get to know you and you open up you can be really funny and he said you were a good guy."

He smiled and all the way to the restaurant they talked about what kind of things they were in to. She found out that he likes to read just like she does and that he gets really good grades. He's planning to become a doctor one day. He's not into sports but he does like to run to stay in shape but he listens to audio books as he's running. She also found out he was really into astrology and taking care of animals. 

"I feel like I've been doing all the talking, so tell me what kind of things you're in to?" he asked, when they got to the restaurant and took a seat. 

"I love reading and my grades and schoolwork are really important to me. I've never been into sports too much because I was more of a hang out at home and chill kind of person when I have free time. I recently started getting into cooking more and I'm really enjoying it." 

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