Chapter 10 - The Amusement Park

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The next day they all met in Brady's driveway at 8:30 in the morning and Lynn had already slathered on sunblock and put on her bikini under her tank top and cut-off jean shorts because she knew they'd be riding some water rides. She wore comfortable tennis shoes too because they'd be doing a lot of walking. 

Brady was wearing blue ocean wave swim trunks, a loose grey tank top, sandals and some aviator sunglasses when he came out the front door followed by Bella and Max. Lynn beat Wes to the front seat this time and turned around and stuck her tongue out at him when he grumbled about it. 

Once they got into the park they got a map at the entrance and split up into their two groups and went their separate ways.  Since they didn't have cell phones to call each other they made plans to meet at the front gate at closing time which was 10:00 pm right after the fireworks show. 

"So what do you want to ride first?" Brady asked, looking down at the map. 

"Let's go for the Raging Vortex first since it'll be the longest line. Since we're here early hopefully we won't have too long of a wait," she said and he nodded and started heading that way. 

She was right. When they got to the line it only had a thirty minute wait instead of the normal hour and half it usually took. She leaned against the railing and looked over at Brady who was standing there looking over the map. 

"Hey ...... I'm really sorry about the other night. Passing out on your shoulder and causing Taylor to break up with you. I feel really bad." 

"Eh. Don't feel bad. I'm kind of glad to be rid of her actually. She was pretty horrible," he laughed. 

"Well then why did you date her?" 

"Ummm. Have you seen her? Every guy in school wants to date her ....... at least they think they do. If they actually dated her they would change their mind really fast," he said folding up the map and shoving it in his pocket. 

"Well after the other night I figured out I shouldn't drink so much ........ especially not at big parties. I made out with Josh Sanderson and I caused your girlfriend to break up with you. Not my best night." 

"Yeah I couldn't believe you made out with Josh Sanderson," he laughed. 

"Ummmm ....... yeah. I know I wrote down on my summer wish list that I want to have my first boyfriend but he's definitely not it," she laughed. "He's an idiot." 

"Yeah I warned you," he smiled. 

"Do you have any other single friends that aren't very popular and wouldn't mind going out with a nerd like me?" 

He laughed. "You're not a nerd. You're just shy. There's a difference." 

"Well either way. I know you know a lot of people. If you think of anybody you could fix me up with let me know. I don't really care what he looks like or if he's popular or plays sports or any of that. I just want a guy that's nice and fun to hang out with."

He thought about it for a second and said, "Ok. I'll keep you posted. I'm sure I can find you somebody. I mean, you're really pretty and you're chill. Why wouldn't a guy want to go out with you?"

Her face blushed a little and she smiled. "Aww. Thank you. That's really sweet of you to say ......... but obviously there's got to be some reason because no guys have ever asked me out before. Do I have bad breath or something?" she laughed. 

He sniffed. "Nope. Your breath is minty fresh."

"Well I know it's not because they're scared of my brother beating them up. Wes is not much of a fighter," she teased. 

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