Chapter 12 - Cooking Class

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The next day they left early for their cooking class across town because using a map, it was almost impossible to find anything. Lynn looked at the map of their city and turned it around several times until she figured out where they were going. 

"Ok, make a left up here," she told Brady. 

"Are you sure?" 

"Pretty sure," she laughed. 

He made the turn but they didn't run into a bridge like she thought they would from looking at the map. 

"Ok ..... ummm. We might be lost." 

"Let me see that," Wes said, grabbing the map out of her hands. "Ok that road sign just said sycamore Street and Elm avenue. So we're right ........ here," he said pointing at a spot on the map. 

"Hey Wes! You're really good at map reading. Maybe you should be the navigator," Lynn suggested because she really hated doing it. 

"Nah, I'm good. You need the practice," he said, laying his head back against the seat and closing his eyes. 

After a few more wrong turns they eventually made it to the Cordon Bleu French Culinary Institute.

When they went inside they realized they were the only teenagers in class and they got a few glares from some of the older students as they came in. 

Brady smiled and shook the hands of the older ladies behind them saying, "Hi. My name's Brady and this is Lynn. It's our first cooking class."  

"Hi Brady, I'm Louisa and this is Eleanor. We've been to class here quite a few times. Welcome to class! Did your parents make you sign up for this?"  

"No it was actually Lynn's idea. She thought it would be good for us to learn how to cook." 

"Good for you!" she said with a smile.

Within a few minutes talking to the two women in their 60's Brady was like old friends with them. 

"I swear you make friends everywhere we go," she whispered to him. 

"It's called being friendly. You should try it sometime. It's how you make new friends." 

She thought about what he said and she really wished she could be like that. She didn't have the confidence to walk up to a complete stranger and shake their hand and introduce herself. She would get nervous and second guess whether or not they would think she was weird for talking to them.

"Bonjour class! For zose that are new. I'm your instructor, Jean Luke."  

The instructor was a short French man in his mid 30's with a very thick French accent but he was still easy to understand. He wore a professional white chef's jacket with a tall white chef's hat and he had a big thick black mustache. 

She stood at the cooking station next to Brady and looked over her shoulder to see that Wes, Max and Bella were at a station in the back. Wes gave her a sarcastic smile and thumbs up making her giggle and turn around. 

"In zis class we will pay attention!" he said glaring at her and she straightened up and stopped smiling. "We will learn how to cook zee French way and zee best way. Let's get started." 

She looked over at Brady and crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue and he held in a laugh and looked forward. 

"What is your name Mademoiselle?" the teacher asked, standing close and squinting his eyes at her. 

"Ummm. My name's Lynn sir." 

"Well ........ Mademoiselle Lynn. You just volunteered to be my assistant for today's class. Come up to zee front wiss me." 

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