Chapter 34 - Talking About the Future

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**** Two and a half Months Later ****

Lynn stood on the side of the stage waiting for her cue in a short red dress that looked like a 1920's flapper dress with the hanging fringe. She was wearing tall black heels and black tights and her hair was pulled up in pincurls with three long rows of pearls around her neck and a feather sticking up out of a band around her forehead.

Brady was out on the stage in a really nice black and white suit dressed as Gatsby from the Great Gatsby. She watched him reciting his lines and he was so believable. He had become such an amazing actor so fast. He really had a talent for it. She was so glad the Drama coach worked around his football schedule to make sure he wouldn't miss any practices or games so he could do both. She was able to be at all of his games, cheering from the sidelines with Kate and Wes and she actually decided that she really liked football and she was so proud of how good he was. He said football camp really had made a big difference. 

She looked back at the stage trying to focus her mind and when she heard her cue she ran out on stage into Brady's arms and started dancing with him in the old 20's style

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She looked back at the stage trying to focus her mind and when she heard her cue she ran out on stage into Brady's arms and started dancing with him in the old 20's style. It was a scene from one of Gatsby's many wild house parties. Brady spun her around and dipped her down low and gave her a kiss and the audience cheered and clapped. 

After the show was over they went out on stage and took their bows and the audience was on their feet giving them a standing ovation and cheering loudly. She looked over at Brady and he was looking at her with the biggest smile on his face and she smiled back. She was so happy that he had made that bet to get her to audition for that show during the summer. It had really changed her life because she loved it so much and right then and there was when she decided she wanted to be on Broadway one day. 

She knew it was a big dream but it was her dream and that's what she wanted to do. It was such a rush being out there on that stage in front of people and after she broke out of her shell and did it she realized she loved it more than anything she'd ever done before.  The curtain finally closed and Brady wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a long kiss and she closed her eyes and enjoyed every second of it. 

Her Mom and brother came backstage carrying a big bouquet of roses and a teddy bear and her Dad was following behind them with his new girlfriend on his arm. She was so glad that her parents could get along well enough to support her together. She walked over and gave all of them a hug and then Wes handed her the cute little bear. 

"Awww. Thanks Wes. It's really cute," she smiled.

"You guys were awesome. It was even better than the show you did in the summer." 

"Thank you. So are you nervous for basketball tryouts tomorrow?" she asked Wes.

"You know, I thought I would be but I'm not. I'm actually excited about it. How crazy is that?" he laughed. 

"It's not that crazy. That's how I feel about getting up on the stage. The thought of putting myself out there and getting up in front of people used to scare me to death. I mean I'm still nervous but once I'm up there it's such a rush and I love it and I get excited to do it again. I would've never imagined I'd have the confidence to get up in front of people and sing and dance and not be worried about what they thought about me." 

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