Chapter 30 - Secret Relationship

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The next day the phone rang and she answered it, "Hello?" 

"Hey," Brady said. "What are you guys doing?" 

"Wes and I are sitting here playing cards at the kitchen table, bored out of our minds," she laughed. "What are you doing?" 

"I was just looking at our summer of fun calendar and it says that we are going indoor skydiving today and going on a cave tour. Our skydiving reservations are at 3:00." 

"Oh really? I've been really looking forward to that one. We'll get ready and come over. See you soon." 

After she hung up she told Wes they were going indoor skydiving today and he smiled.

"Yes! That's awesome." 

They both went upstairs and changed and when they were walking across the street Brady was standing next to the red convertible Lexus and he looked so cute. She wanted to walk up and just give him a kiss but she obviously couldn't. Instead she just gave him a smile and he smiled back and winked, making her stomach flutter. 

They all packed into the Lexus and she took the passenger seat with Wes in the back between Bella and Max. As they drove towards the skydiving place she looked down at Brady's hand resting on the gear shift and she wanted to hold his hand so bad. He looked over at her and she could tell he was reading her mind and he gave her a little smile. She wished it were just her and him going on a date today by themselves. 

When they pulled up to the building there were quite a few cars in the parking lot. They went inside and could hear something that sounded like a jet engine They walked to the receptionist desk and Brady told her their name and she checked them in and pretty soon an instructor came out and gave them indoor skydiving outfits to change into and helmets and goggles to wear. 

 Lynn picked all of her stuff up and carried it into the women's bathroom to change and when she looked in the mirror she started to laugh. She looked absolutely ridiculous. When she came out Brady was in the hallway waiting for her and he smiled. 

"You look really cute in that," he laughed. 

"So do you," she said. Actually she was thinking he looked really hot in the skydiving gear but cute was close enough. 

"Wes, Max and Bella are in the gift shop so I had to steal a kiss for a second, he said, leaning in and pressing his lips to hers softly and then he started kissing down the side of her neck and whispered in her ear, "I love you." It gave her chills and her heart started to race.

She looked up into his blue eyes. "I love you too," she said with a smile, kissing him one more time before following him out to the gift shop to get the other guys so they could get started. 

The instructor came over to them and introduced himself. 

"Hey guys! I'm Trevor. I'll be your indoor skydiving instructor today!" he said. 

He was in his mid 20's with long wavy brown hair and a deep tan. He looked like he just got back from a vacation at the beach or something. Lynn noticed he looked at her a lot when he was talking and smiled at her a few times as he was giving them instructions about how the indoor wind tunnel worked. She looked over and Brady seemed to notice it too and he didn't seem happy about it. 

"Ok. We're going to take you guys into the tunnel one by one. Who wants to go first?" 

Max raised his hand right away, "I do!" 

"Nice little man!" the instructor smiled and led him into the tunnel and pretty soon soon Max was floating on his stomach with his arms and legs straight out and he really did look like he was skydiving but in a wind tunnel. 

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