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(Time for the pre-book author's notes [please read them though they're important):

(Leave as many comments as you wish. I love getting comments)

(There may be an implied ship at one point, but there's no actual shipping here [I'm begging you readers not to put this in Dreammare reading lists, or else I will post all the lyrics of "Sweet Home Alabama" on your conversations wall. I'm warning you-)

(There is no canon accuracy here [especially for emotionless characters. I have barely any idea how to write those]. Or at least virtually none. I think Swap Sans/"Blue" is gonna be the only character who's remotely canon accurate? At least personality-wise? His creator [who left the fandom and disowned Underswap a long time ago, and no longer wishes to be associated with the AU] described him as a "hyperactive chubby pun skeleton" so I'm just rolling with that.

To sum up how I'm portraying each character:

*Dream: Criminal Amnesiac [it's a trope, bonus points go to all you who read tv tropes 'cus all the chapter names will be trope names from there]

*Nightmare: Tsundere as frick, gets hit with the guilt stick

*Blue: Hyperactive chubby pun skeleton

*Ink: Suffering

*Cross: Egotist pretending to be good at video games

*Dust: Chaotic bastard

*Killer: Nice chaotic bastard

*Horror: Just trying to survive

*Error: Wild card manbaby who stole all the IKEA meatballs)

(This fic is half crappost, half serious)

(In this fic at least, after the events of a True Pacifist Run in Underswap [...and really just in any universe's True Pacifist Run], Monsters and Humans just kinda coexist on the surface now [judging by Undertale's end credits, this is what happened there, sooooooo-]. Note that because it's important-ish.

Some AUs will be after their pacifist runs, others won't [probably because of resets in-universe]. There is no consistency. I suck at this and this fic was written and already finished in a few days. Gonna post, like, a chapter per day or something. I dunno)

(And I will say it here: I'm not good at writing action/fight scenes, nor do I like it. I prefer writing character interactions. I also don't want to instruct anyone on how to steal or anything like that. So, expect a lot of skips and parts where you are left to fill things in with your imagination)

(WARNING: CARTOON AMNESIA [not a realistic portrayal of real-life amnesia. In real life, if someone has amnesia, from what I can tell, either their memory will come back on its own or it's gone forever. That's just brain damage for ya, kids!)

~~~Criminal Amnesiac~~~

Another day, another battle.

Star Sanses vs. Bad Guys.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Well, of course, minus the fact that Ink wasn't there. He said he had to go stop Error from destroying an AU (just as always). The Stars were already outnumbered on average, as it was only three of them versus a team of five. But now, it was two versus five. Even worse.

Blue seemed to be holding off pretty well against the "Murdertime Trio" (Dust, Killer, and Horror). Somehow he still found ways to catch them off-guard with something ridiculous (after all, Blue was from a way less serious universe than them. The way he treated battles was way different to how they did).

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