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(haha posting this at midnight since it's technically the next day [I need sleep why-)

After a long wait, Nightmare heard the sound of someone sitting up (particularly the sounds the bed made underneath). He lowered his book a little.

Dream was finally awake, and looked confused. His eyes went back and forth rapidly, looking at what was around him. He seemed quite panicked.

"Wh-Where am I?!" he asked, distressed.

"Heh. Well-"

"Who are you?!... Wh-who am I?! Why can't I remember anything?!"

He put a hand on his head in the way one would if they had a headache (at least in fiction).

"...uh... Dream? It's me, Nightmare... your brother... Do you have amnesia or something?"


Dream didn't seem to know what to say. He seemed... scared, trying to back up while still on the bed.

"Look, Dream..."

Now, this was a situation that required careful consideration. Nightmare had two options:

Option 1: Tell Dream the truth and then deal with him after that

Option 2: Lie

The latter option seemed quite appealing. It'd be much easier than having to kill him, Ink and Blue likely wouldn't want to fight their own friend, it'd be nice to have some more help on the team, and Dream would stop getting in his way.

(And he wouldn't have to kill him)

So, he decided to lie.

" need to be afraid. I'll help, uh, 'fill you in,' y'know?..."


"...Dream's been kidnapped?!"

Blue had finally found Ink (Error had fled the scene) and filled him in on what had happened, causing Ink to panic.

"Y-Yeah," Blue said, "they just carried him off!! I tried to stop them, but Dust pinned me to a tree a-and-"

"What're they gonna do with him?!"

"Wh-Whatever it is, it can't be anything good... But we can't just sulk over here!! We've gotta go rescue him!! Now!!"

Blue was about to rush off already (despite his lack of an ability to travel universes), but Ink grabbed him by the arm to stop him.

"Wait a sec, Blue! We need to make a plan first. We can't just charge in like that! They'll kill us!!"

"Fine, but we've gotta act fast! We can't just sit around and Bonedoggle!!"

Classic Blue.

Of course he'd make a joke to alleviate some of the tension.

Ink chuckled.

"Oh, Blue, you always know how to lighten the mood, huh?"

"Heh! That's just what I do! Mweh-heh-heh!"



At the sound of Nightmare's yell, everyone immediately dropped what they were doing and rushed to where his voice came from. Being late would certainly not go unpunished. That's the way Nightmare was.

Once everyone was in line, Nightmare paced back and forth like a general in a war movie as he talked.

"Listen up, let me just tell you all the gist of things: Dream has lost his memory. So, I'm taking this opportunity to recruit him onto the team. None of you are to tell him anything about him being part of the Star Sanses, or being enemies with us at all, got it!? If he asks any questions, just let me answer. I've already 'filled him in' on most things and I don't want any of you screwing this up."

"YES SIR MR. NIGHTMARE SIR!!" Cross yelled, saluting, much to Nightmare's annoyance since he clearly wasn't being serious. Everyone else just nodded their heads.

"Now, I'm gonna go get him so you can 'introduce' yourselves to him. Just... act like you've always known him or something. Try to act casual and just... go back to whatever you were doing before."

(Sorry I'm too lazy to write out the [re]introductions. Don't worry, I won't just have the rest of the Bad Guys exist as basically decoration. That's not how you write characters.

They'll all get their time in the spotlight)

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