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(there are probably gonna be a lot of short chapters, mainly on establishing character relationships and stuff, so yeah)

Killer decided to take Dream on one of his shopping/lifting sprees. This time, they couldn't do it at the usual mall (since he had gotten caught once before, meaning they'd be prepared). So, they went to a similar one in Underswap instead.

While this would've been very risky because of many of the residents knowing who Dream was, he was far enough away from the area in which the majority of said people resided where he felt comfortable with doing this.

"Alrighty, bucko. Since we're not gonna be paying for anything, we can have whatever we want. Let's go nuts."

Dream let out an excited gasp.


"Yeah, duh! Screw the laws! You want it, we'll bring it home!"

~While normally I would show the details, this is a shoplifting spree and I'd rather not teach my fellow 13 year-olds how to steal. I'll just skip to when they get back~

"Yo, boss! We're back!"

The amount of things they "bought" practically made a mountain. The real question was how they got away with stealing everything. However... Nightmare had learned not to question Killer at this point.

Killer was a strange individual.

The pile mainly consisted of miscellaneous food items. The other items included board games, some video games, some DVDs of cartoons and movies (of course, there was at least one anime in there. Killer had an obsession with that), and... for some reason, a stuffed rabbit. They had no need to buy more clothing items since they never really wore anything else.

"...why is there so much?" Nightmare asked.

"Dream wanted some extra stuff."

Dream smiled innocently.

Normally, Nightmare would go ballistic over one of his lackeys getting extra luxury items without his permission (even when no cash was expended). However, if it kept Dream complacent, he supposed he should not complain.

Yes. That was certainly the only reason.

(Totally not because he was willing to spoil him rotten)

He sighed.



"Hey, Killer?

"Sup, Dream?"

Dream had noticed during their "shopping" escapade that Killer's leg was heavily bandaged.

"...what's wrong with your leg?"

"Oh, that. Funny story: In this one fight, Blue just freaking picked me up and flung me across the field. I dunno what happened, think I rolled into a rock or something but I have no clue how I got hit in the leg from that. Maybe I rolled over a knife or something. Eh. Either way, he's got some non-existent muscle there, y'know?"

"Blue? Isn't that one of the Star Sanses?"



It was almost impressive to him, yet at the same time... well, Dream was too pompous for such a feeling, especially for an enemy.

"Eh, it's nothing. It'll heal eventually. Anyways, I was about to watch this one show I really like. Got it on DVD. Wanna join me?"


Dream realized while watching that the show was about the series the game he liked was from, except the show was barely accurate to the source material.

And yet, he enjoyed it.

Even if his favorite character's personality was butchered.

And even if Killer sang along to the theme song in a horribly off-key way (which pissed off the rest of the gang).

Heck, Dream ended up joining in on that.

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