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Cross and Killer had backtracked and joined in on the chaos and confusion that had been going down.

Things were finally getting violent.

Killer nearly stabbed Blue in the neck, Blue probably broke Dust's leg, and Nightmare was about to throw Ink into a wall...

When suddenly, Dream came running in.

"EVERYONE, STOP!!!!" he screamed at the top of his non-existent lungs, frantically waving his arms around to draw everyone's attention. Luckily, it worked.

"Dream!!" both Ink and Nightmare yelled at the same time, before Nightmare dropped Ink.

"C'mon Dream," he said, "let's get these two bastards to beg for mercy."

However, once he took a step forward... Dream took a step back.


"N-Nightmare, I..."

He paused. He didn't know how exactly to word this.

However, then... he came into the scene.

"Hey there, Nightwit!!"

Error, walking to Dream's side.

"I know I don't normally help the Starburst Brigade, but you've kinda f*cked up recently so now I've wrecked your sh*t plans."

"...wait, what?... Dream, what is he talking about!?"

"Nightmare..." he sighed, "Error helped me recover my memories... my real memories..."

Nightmare (along with the rest of the Bad Guys, minus Dust who never really stopped being Dust) was... certainly shocked.

Ink got up, and Blue seemed overjoyed.

"R-Really??" Ink said, astonished.

"Aw yeah!"

The two ran over to their friend. Error took some steps back because Ink was present and he couldn't stand him.

"Great to have you back to normal!" Blue exclaimed excitedly. "We were a wreck without you, Dream! Guess you really are the backbone of the team!"

Blue snickered at his own pun. However, he noticed that Dream still seemed... down.

"...Uh, Dream? What's wrong??"


Dream stared at those on the other team.

They all seemed... nervous as to what Dream would do or say next. (well, Dust never seemed nervous, so he was an inherent exception. Chaotic bastard).

And indeed, they were. They had grown attached to their former-enemy after all that time. Especially Nightmare.


Nightmare hung his head in shame. He supposed he deserved having his lie be exposed, after everything he had done. Surely, Dream hated him after this... right?


However, Dream had grown attached to the team as well. While he did not approve of their actions, not at all, he couldn't see them as anything other than family after getting to know them so well.

All eyes were on Dream. He was the one who got to decide what would happen next.

Everyone was waiting for what Dream would do, and Error grew increasingly bored.

Then, Dream walked up to Nightmare.

"...I don't want to fight anymore."

Such words were shocking to all.

"Wh-What do you mean?" Nightmare asked, finally looking up and making eye contact.

"L-Listen, I know it'll be hard, but... maybe we can find a way to compromise... I just don't think I'd be able to fight anyone anymore... I mean it... I-I spent so much time with you guys, but I don't want to leave my friends behind... can we at least try?..."


Nightmare took a look back at the others.

The four exchanged looks for a few seconds before finally saying something.

"...I'm not against it," Cross said.

"Yeah, me neither," followed Horror, "it'd honestly be nice if we could just get a bit more peace around here... stuff gets kinda tiring after a while."

"I just don't wanna fight Dream anymore," Killer said, "he's a part of the 'family' now, whether ya like it or not."

"...ugh, fine," Dust finally said, "guess I'll go with the rest of you guys too. It's been fun pulling pranks with the guy, I'll admit it."

Then, Blue and Ink gave their thoughts.

"If the multiverse is safer as a result, I'm in!" Ink said with enthusiasm.

"Me too!" Blue exclaimed. "Anyone can be good if they try hard enough, I know it!"

"F*ck this sh*t, I don't care," Error said before walking away from everyone.

...finally, Nightmare knew what to say:


"This is cheesy as fu-"

(ah yes, an open happy ending)

(I was originally considering making a sequel, but I feel like this ended well enough. I think I want to turn one of my sequel ideas into its own fic since it doesn't really rely on this story at all. I'll edit an advertisement for that fic if it comes out.

Oh yeah, also, speaking of advertising my fics, I feel like advertising how I've made a crack fic recently and I hope you guys will check it out [if you're into ridiculous humor and weird ships no one has seen before]. It's called "Crayon-Colored Creations," and you can find it in my profile. I'll also leave a link in the comments)

(I was gonna post these on 4/20 but the google doc I write these all in is starting to lag so I need to finally post these things. Hope you've all enjoyed this!)

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