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Today would be the first full-team raid of an AU in a few months, and they were going big this time.

(however, I still will not specify the AU, because I'm lazy)

The group started in the Ruins area (albeit Killer and Cross ran ahead of the rest).

"Dream, what the f*ck are you doing?"

Nightmare had finally noticed how Dream refused to go beyond knocking someone out.

"Um... assisting?"

Dream just couldn't bring himself to kill anyone. Over time he had been getting close to willing enough to do such a thing, but then... Sans happened.

Sans proved that not all people outside the group were bad.

After all. Since Sans was good, what's to say no one else could be?

Even without Sans, his conscience just wouldn't allow him to do such a thing anyway.

Despite how the rest of the group seemed fine with doing such.

"We're supposed to be killing  them!"

"W-Well, I don't see much of a need for that since the rest of you are-"

"What?" Dust cut in. "Dream's being a coward or something? Gone soft? Hehe!!"

"SH-SHUT UP!!!" Dream screamed. "I am not a coward!! I just-"

"Dream, listen: you get used to it after a while," Horror interjected, "look, you gotta start somewhere."

Sane people wouldn't be so casual about murder.

These were not sane people.

However, their argument was then interrupted.

"Stop right now!!"

Finally, the Star Sanses had arrived.

"Well, well, well," Nightmare said, facing the good duo, "if it isn't the Starsh*t Squad."

However, suddenly, after seeing the duo, Dream yelled:


Indeed, Sans-Underswap was right there, standing next to Ink (really highlighting how short the paint skeleton was).


"Wait a second," Sans said, "that outfit... wait, DREAM!?! YOU WERE THE GUY I MET AT THE MALL!?!"

Everyone else present was... clearly shocked (minus Dust for some reason. Maybe he had seen some sh*t in his life. Who knew?).

"Dream," Horror said, "the f*ck did you do at the mall with this guy!?"

"Hanging out with the enemy?" Dust asked, still with his usual smile. "Oops, guess we'll have to execute you then."

Classic Dust.

"WE'RE NOT GONNA EXECUTE HIM!!" Nightmare yelled (practically screamed), seeming unusually bothered by that, before suddenly realizing and trying to (somewhat) regain composure. "*ahem* Dream, why did you talk to Blue at the mall!? What are you talking about!?!"

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