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(oh yeah, for those who didn't get the memo since this is somewhat-recent:

Ink actually got redesigned back in 2020, so that's why the picture I used for him here [his creator's art] isn't the same Ink design that most people are familiar with. Fun fact? Just felt like stating that just in case some people didn't know) 

Today was the day: Dream's first (though it's not like he knew that) AU raid... somewhat.

Normally the group would slaughter the population. However, in order to help Dream adjust- er, readjust, this time, they were just going to focus on one part of the Underground: Snowdin.

They chose a random Fell AU because those places were usually populated by jerks (so no one would care [...or at least they thought that).

In fact, it wasn't even the full team there. Just Killer, Horror, and Dream.

All Dream had to do was take whatever stuff he could, and leave the killing to the others. He still didn't want to get his hands dirty, as something in his (nonexistent) gut kept telling him not to... he wasn't sure why, but it did.

The operation had been going quite smoothly... until a certain skeleton showed up, one who was shorter than the trio (even Dream, who was already a bit shorter than the other Bad Guys [though Nightmare was the same height as him anyway so he wasn't alone in that). He was dressed in primarily brown and carrying around a large paintbrush:

 He was dressed in primarily brown and carrying around a large paintbrush:

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"Hmph. And yet we're the ones who are considered weird?" Dream thought. "Look at this idiot."

"Oh f*ck," Horror yelled, "it's one of the Star Sh*ts!!

"Knew that Paintball would show up," Killer said.

"I'm guessing this one is Ink?" Dream asked in a whisper (he didn't want any of his enemies to know of his recent memory loss, of course). "Looks like he'd have that name."

"Yeah, it is."

"Hmm... he looks ridiculous."

"Yup, agreed."

"Stop right there, evildoers!" Ink yelled dramatically (Dream was resisting the urge to facepalm). "You won't get away with-"

However, he immediately fell to silence once he made eye contact with Dream.


Ink froze. A few seconds passed, and nothing happened. At this point, the group realized they could make an escape.


And they fled without another word, leaving Ink there, still staring in apparent shock.

How anticlimactic.


Blue had been (attempting) cooking dinner at the "Star Sanses' Rad Base" (literally just Blue and his brother Papyrus's house), home alone (Papyrus was hanging out with Undyne), when Ink suddenly came through the door, seeming... shaken.

"Oh, hey, Ink!... what's-"

"I-I saw him... h-he just..."


Ink walked over to the couch and sat down.

"D-Dream... h-he and Killer and Horror just... th-they..."

"...D-Do you mean what I think you mean?"

"Think so... a-and I still can't believe it... he just... he acted like he didn't know me or something..."


"He just said goodbye and left with the other two when I got there..."


Blue had no clue how to respond.

This was bad. Really bad.

"...Ink, we need to figure out what's wrong with Dream."


Meanwhile, the other three finally got back to their base.

All Dream got to take was someone's wallet, but he was proud of himself nonetheless. He also started bragging to the others about how he "intimidated" Ink.

"...and then we got away while he just kept staring! Bet he was scared of me. Cool, right??"

"Yeah," said Dust, chilling on the couch and changing the TV channel every five seconds, "cool or whatever."

Dream found his lack of enthusiasm annoying.

Because he was expecting some kind of great fanfare for staring someone in the eyes and then booking it.

"HEY!!! Actually show some interest!!"

Dream stamped his foot on the ground in frustration. Nightmare patted him on the back.

"Very impressive, Dream. Proud of you."


Dream hugged his twin.


He gladly returned it.

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