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(here's a semi-crappost, semi-plot important and serious

Pretty much: Here's a plot-important chapter where I roast Dream in the narration)

(This was originally chapter 11 but I've been completely rewriting the actual 10 and I'm not even sure if it's necessary so I may just scrap it altogether)

(also: this chapter is the first case where I decided to get lazy on character appearance descriptions and instead just put canon artwork)

(I'll also admit: I didn't look this over too much before publishing so I'm just hoping I didn't leave in any mistakes or anything)

Dream had just "bought" (stolen) a gray fedora and a pair of cool shades (not the Fresh kind though. He didn't even know/remember who Fresh was anyway) from a store and was feeling quite accomplished in himself.

He assumed that no one would notice if he cut off the tags and started wearing them as if he owned them, because he was high on his own ego and really just didn't think his plan through.

He was at a different mall in Underswap than the one he and Killer had shoplifted at before.

He decided to actually be useful and do what he was there for next: getting a copy of the latest installment in a video game series the group loved. Apparently it was one that they had forgotten about for a while but remembered a day ago and wanted to revisit. Something about a paper, scrapbook-looking world, and it was a spin-off series of another game series? He had no clue what it was about.

He stole the hat and sunglasses to "disguise" himself, as the others had told him to do (for some reason they were pretty hesitant about him going to Underswap in general, especially somewhere close to the town near a particular mountain. He had no clue why).

Once he found the game he was looking for (Killer had given him a sticky note with the name so he wouldn't forget), he grabbed it and walked off... before bumping into someone:

Another skeleton (quite similar to himself), slightly taller than him... certainly odd-looking (especially his eyes):

Somehow, despite being a skeleton (something which lacked a stomach), he appeared to be quite chubby

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Somehow, despite being a skeleton (something which lacked a stomach), he appeared to be quite chubby.

Dream had dropped the game as a result of the collision, and was about to yell at him (probably by calling him "fatso" or something else unoriginal like that) when the other skeleton spoke first.

"Sorry, stranger! Let me get that for you."

He picked up the game from the floor, before holding it back out for him.



Dream was caught off guard by this sudden kindness. Didn't these people reject those like him?... perhaps it was because of the hat and glasses keeping him from being recognized? He assumed that. Good thing they had caught his eye that day.

Dream grabbed the game from his hands pretty swiftly. The other skeleton, while seeming a bit miffed at the like of manners, still maintained a smile.

"You're welcome! Just another days' work for the Magnificent Sans!"

He struck a pose for no apparent reason. However, Dream was more fixated on the name. He could've sworn he had heard the name before. The deja vu hit him hard, but he tried not to let it show.

"Uh, ok... bye."

He sped-walked away, just like that.

Something about that stranger's voice gave Blue deja vu. However, the completely different appearance kept him from connecting the dots. So, he just continued on with his day, shopping with his pals from his universe instead of getting caught up in multiverse affairs like he usually did.

He had a lot more time to hang out with them lately because the Bad Guys had seemingly decided to take a break from attacking (minus that one attack that Dream wasn't present at), though it still made him anxious as to what they could be planning... especially with Dream on their side now.

In all honesty, he blamed himself for what happened to his friend. He felt that he could've done something to stop it...

How could somebody as magnificent as himself fail someone he cared about?

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